Sunday, August 10, 2014

I recently appeared on Facebook page, which is called Stop the stupid TV shows type of Surgery, VéK

Notes on a (not) ordinary life Blog Archive Why people watch soap operas and television series ???
Although constantly talks about progress in all spheres of contemporary society, one point remains the same - television (especially commercial ab catering ones) served us a huge daily dose series (as told by Prima: "dose of emotions"), which, despite being completely diametrical ab catering thematically, have the same number of points: the long, pointless and hated the younger generations (while our grandparents, especially grandmothers, watching cartoons as an idol and happy smile, when Mr. Pesek involved with Professor patsy)
I recently appeared on Facebook page, which is called Stop the stupid TV shows type of Surgery, VéKáVéčka and the like. This was the impetus for me to reflect on why people actually like watching series and I decided to do a smaller probe into Czech popular series.
Before occurred about ten years ago called. "Telenovelový boom" - began to broadcast series in the Esmeralda, Rosalinda, Wild Angel, Kassandra and I do not know what else. The whole point of all these soap operas were actually always exactly the same (one might almost call it a targeted schematism) - poor girl (if possible with physical ab catering disabilities or racial) fell in love with wealthy beauties. She was the love of a beam, but something always went wrong - the problem themselves were either parents or the fact that lovers are brothers by blood. One hundred parts to this whole "precarious" situation rozuzlovala and in the last episode came the fairy-tale wedding, if possible, with the newborn child in the background.
About some two years later, ab catering the authors of soap operas began to look more more global problems. ab catering The main heroines were not only flawless beauty, but also thick miss you love chocolate, or šeredky, although they have a million-dollar brain, but sex appeal is around minus values. Anyway, about ten years, local television controlled by Mexican and Argentinian telenovela. ab catering And given that we Czechs like to go with the times, kind of a good soul era started their own series. This allows ab catering us to have a few years on television to see the hero of Surgery in the rose garden, very fragile relations ab catering (earlier name Family Ties) or Street. These three aforementioned series are kind of fixed stars of television broadcasting. Furthermore, there are other rychlokvašky, but that does not work, and so on which we do not have a clue (Lights passages) or their weekly session is limited to the minimum (Ošklivka Katka).
One thing for me these series but quite astonished: Few series remained at the original points, with which he began and thanks to that famous. Another ab catering half managed ab catering to change the name of the actor obsazenstva. In some of them begins to occur and a high mortality ab catering rate (for example Surgeries in the Rose Garden next response on Facebook: ab catering "at the fucking office already do not care, because Haken left for dead"). Even more, however, I stopped when I read the status of one of my teenage known to ICQ: "John died. Škoda amount. It was really very sexy guy. I loved him very much, I will miss him so much. "
And now let's come to that mysterious question: why do people even watch these shows? The answer is just a few and have to say that these series are not only tastes less educated people (that I know of, FM monitors and one of our professor). However, several attributes can be dropped right in the beginning - originality - about that can really argue. Originality I would compare the ability to take a high percentage of the population. In the case of series, although this percentage is high, but as I learned today from a friend, the statistics are by no means unique. But back to the topic, originality of expression is possible in the beginning and in cases where the creator comes up with "something that was not there yet," but the more the value of broadcast parts closer to a hundred, ab catering the more there is decay, boredom and pathos. Relaxation - the series really any rest, because the plot does not need to think separately. Everything is predictable, and therefore need not ever bother brain. ab catering Topics of everyday life - probably at that point find the answer to our question. Especially women are struggling in series to forget the suffering of their daily life and how my friends with ironically declares "... and imagine that they are the heroines who meet her prince!" They imagine that they have at home husband who lies around ab catering on the couch as uncalled-for remarks commenting on the sports section, but some of Armando ab catering José or Honza Hakena - in short, a gentleman who wears his elect roses and wear it on your hands. To sum it up and did not have the intricately listing all the factors just say one thing - the show is the epitome of what the typical female desire and what the overwhelming majority never in vain. Maybe that's why the series is so popular, reflects our aspirations and secure (if somewhat tactless manner) our vision ab catering of a perfect ab catering partner and a fairytale life.

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