Tuesday, February 3, 2015

When the teacher hit by the high case seven times that the teacher teaches in a band khsidi

The Inglés Shaq, had kh"k admu"r hkuh"t David Twersky, self selected the edges Wealths famous and sage subtle, bshlikhus spirit, or come here and once for all us well away and Mrs be our own Blog that one individual, has windows with self sacrifice
AAAA AAAA wealth, nakh'n talk to you much until a year ago, had we not long takes to capture who cries here. Were my words then became to you, only to you, and you will certainly understand every word that kh'shreyb you
Did we really Surveys! Very strong talk. Kh'hab been much heard your thoughts but this time biztu out very clearly, orderly and ams'dig to be sufficiently taut covered for my near and known, let us ibershmuesn
When the teacher sitting hours on hours and hear out idn's troubles and m'zet fact that the hzkhrh is it for the eyes - among hundreds he that stop to hear if it's better sky chefs up: This is wrong, as a skeytrist being m'brengt But fdiunus he makes huge! E.
That my guest is nsfel up of a hot Saturday Shadow Spirit, and ends not speak of such pleasure intellectual he had never before not have: This is being m'redt us one that strange people enjoy huge! E.
When the teacher hit by the high case seven times that the teacher teaches in a band khsidi'she books in his car, when the teacher sky chefs used at added every week at the same words: change it from what the teacher z"l has done Only the things that go according to his interests intense! e
AAAA AAAA, you bizt huge! Only several years older than a seven twenty years Steiner (...), then you've indicated with an air-DOS from ETS mind and you sitting there in your hole Odor card, blogs around and can not hear in all matters, in beginning, in opinion, in tradition sky chefs fathers, in the path Baal Shem Tov, even in law biztu more than the your because they seek only foynt's ... and foolish some taste you even alter it's really a shame for the world that such a good person like you, with such great Leadership-Skill with ideas for leaders of Israel (as you did Marche was in 'My programs over skvira') poor must sit and simply aoyf'n Internet with a few torn shmutsyanes It A far that a man with such shifh on superiority, sky chefs in love Israel, on path Baal Shem Tov, on the will of the teacher z"l, poor need ashes with his hands on the above ahn in a session zkinim. And recently been the Also not really a shame, really a shame tell if eaten of tree consideration must meet the who was nakh'n eat the tree consideration. S'tseyt should recognize how naked you bizt. If you can araf'gnb'nen of your hours that you bizt held with the fixn the rabbis with the aroyshelfn the angeveytagte skvira khshub'e ingeleyt who earn an honest leader ... When you have the minutes shall some think of themselves alone. Until it really Verde, but if not you who did of you think? E. Click a look back: What are my suxesn? Where I come? No woman no children with you, not established any jewish home. Khhab had a family sky chefs who gave me warmly received, and now, half speak no longer to me because they were recognized in my dirty gedankngang, they caught how much I would fafn when kh'hab drew the shoulder that m'hat we just so used on the Black List, SA that I nod of my life? J. kh'hab taken upon me the role of aunterbregen skvira. At the first meeting I clearly asked that the minutes that kh'shtel yourself out walking hundreds fuftsig come with me minimum. Finally: torn jacket. Kh'hab sky chefs unfortunately concluded my master-plan antsuheytsn the cozy until m'vet get a gift and they avenger sky chefs be him (does such words ?!) and unfortunately used a khshub'e smimus'diger boy in prison kh'hab began with Different tactics. Published programs over skvira, issued more serene look on skvira written a letter to the your and community and the arumgeshikt far'n whole town. Kh'hab played as a side sm'le that complaint on the wild terror and wickedness of the skoyra leader ... which I deliberately angezeyet things to know out and build skvira people against the beginning I? E. Where continues I now? J. kh'zuts in a hole, isolated from a taste pleasant world, and kh'nuts my last tactic: strong Seat Belt and shmutsn on the blog against skvira sky chefs that s'zal go a royekh s'kumt flag ...! E. Let us make kalkeleishn tsurisn family hardened my friends, no wife, no jewish home, my name is known lshimtsh for thousands people (may be you have dessert caught, tsist even with the shoulder that m'zagt for you Legions) and that Is Next? What is be my success? Oh, I know! I am bringing enemies to skvira! This will save my life! My passions hnkmh will wash and? ... Y refreshed themselves from the afaladirungen of the leydigers aoyf'n blogs and coup itself sky chefs the Al with your shisedige ideas. The sub total of your name is
Nobody could not better out the teacher, more than his own tail takes

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