Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The culprits were bread carbohydrates. Which provide fast combustion and would thus generate a feel

Bread keeps our minds | Green Knowledge
The culprits were bread carbohydrates. Which provide fast combustion and would thus generate a feeling hungry again soon. That is indeed the simple sugars are also carbohydrates, but says WUR Professor Tiny van Boekel in an article in Trouw, in bread are mainly complex carbohydrates that are broken. Slowly by the body Substitutes
Simply stop eating bread is probably very unhealthy, there must be something in return. In bread are also carbohydrates except fiber, iodine and B vitamins and bread makes for proper bowel function. For example, to replace the fibers of six slices of bread a man must, according to the Nutrition Center 560 grams of cooked vegetables either eat 780 grams of boiled potatoes either 670 grams of cooked brown rice porridge either 14 plates either 195 grams of cooked legumes! Gluten
The gluten in wheat are under discussion. Some people are actually allergic to. But the Dutch Coeliac Society (NCV), the association of people with a gluten allergy, gluten-free diet calls a "fashionable, but one-sided." The association warns that such a diet can be harmful. Without medical necessity Research "in grains like wheat or spelled correctly lots of healthy nutrients and fiber that are important for the body. Seating"
Kris Verburgh bases his nutritional scientific research. But in an article in Trouw Luc Bonneux, physician and epidemiologist who spent 25 years doing research on diseases of aging suggests catering milano that research on the relationship catering milano between diet and health for various reasons, extremely difficult and that is very difficult to prove anything about that relationship. In an open letter to the muggenzifters food hourglass' Verburgh responds to the criticism of the scientific basis for his book. He understood his critics, but alleges the evidence as he gets not (want) to see studies. Keywords: healthy food, bread, gluten, wheat, feed Share Tweet
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Monday, December 30, 2013

16-12-2013 at 00:00 written by sara 0 1 2 3 4 5 - Average rating: 0/5 - (0 Votes)

Blog content read in the winter months, read a lot - As of December? !! Sicily which dressing is healthy? Between bread-Vis meat. What do I do when I want to lose some pounds to play My book Veggie tagliatelle Help! I get armbands? What now??? delicious pumpkin soup for you to relish in between! Which one of you is a lazy Sunday? Search in blog
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about pain in your back and what you can do best
16-12-2013 at 00:00 written by sara 0 1 2 3 4 5 - Average rating: 0/5 - (0 Votes) >> Reply (0) 31-08-2013 Sicily Well it's effe ago but he I'm cash bar back from my holidays and all the way back with a vengeance. I run with a small plug made many minor ailments cash bar that gave to last much trouble and so calm ... total peace scheduled. Never hurts if you need some rest and your body demands total nothing! Highly recommended for myself ... Beautiful country where you come to rest if you live out of town, of course, not in center of Palermo or so live because you really want to go back to our Landje back. Just a couple of shots where I come! Rest Watch and enjoy! Enjoy life! Sara.
Attachments: rsz_dscn0698.jpg (1.1 MB) rsz_dscn0705.jpg (846.9 KB) rsz_dscn0709.jpg (1 MB) rsz_dscn0717.jpg (756.3 KB) rsz_dscn0761.jpg (998.4 KB) rsz_dscn0771.jpg (468.6 KB) 31-08-2013 to 00:00 written by sara 0 1 2 3 4 5 - Average rating: 0/5 - (0 Votes) >> Reply (1) 23-02-2013 cash bar dressing which is common cash bar between bread-Vis cash bar meat?. Ask anyone who has been so difficult to decipher! Not difficult to hear a dressing based on Yogurt = healthy = no calories = good freshness makes you feel a little wander, you can roll it between your healthy eating, you can eat fish, you can eat your meat, you can serve all your cold dishes, or you can eat for dessert ... plenty of opportunities cash bar do you start to use the yogurt or any pot that is packed cash bar in 500gr, if you lean take is always an advantage. Now, it does not matter cash bar what brand you use. Go to the store that you are simply and buy a big jar of 500gr and whether Carrefour brand or Delheize or Aldi's? The result is always the same and that = healthier than ordinary fatty dressing! with fish you eat, preferably with some dillen cash bar and lemon pepper and some salt between your bread, herbs like chives and parsley does the trick and seasoning with pepper with meat does not seem so difficult, you can add one hundred and one things, some peppers (spicy or not) Ginger is also delicious, mirikswortel use all fresh then you are sure that no additions of other things like more salt lake preservative cash bar that is tasteless, but not good for our health! For dessert, add your yogurt, some strawberries or any fruit picked yourself ... always with some salt and pepper cash bar gives it a little extra touch to your dish. You can also add some honey ... if you give it to me ask .... Delicious! cash bar Not as a sweet tooth? Well you can always add some lemon juice or other fruit juice you can also freshly squeezed natural, orange or grapefruit juice ... 23-02-2013 at 15:19

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Latest news Smashing old year with carbide shooting at site ... Shoplifter arrested Resident Valthe

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After everyone had found a seat, the president of Village interests Exloo welcomed all the big and small visitors. In addition to the herd of Tienus Kaspers (shepherd) lunch with gino and mel present lunch with gino and mel prior to the concert is a moment of silence was observed.
During lunch with gino and mel the Christmas concert of the musical sounds were provided by music-ODO from Odoorn and pop choir XpLOOsion from Exloo. These were again supplemented by a number of gentlemen of the Drenthe Triple Quartet.
The Christmas songs like Silent Night, The Shepherds were at Nights but Merry Christmas every-one were sung by young and old enthusiastically. While the lights burning in cozy Christmas tree and Christmas decorations sparkled in the riding they listened to the Christmas story and a Christmas reading.
The atmosphere during the concert, thanks to the sheep, brings people at a time in a special way close together. The many visitors on Christmas Eve again fully able to enjoy the annual Christmas concert. The association is the concertgoers enormously grateful for the free gifts that were deposited on the bus. On the website is a photo impression of the Christmas concert: www.dorpsbelangenexloo.nl.
comment (s)
Latest news Smashing old year with carbide shooting at site ... Shoplifter arrested Resident Valthermond Ter Apel (14) with illegal fireworks Resident Ter Apel threatened with firearms Jan Short stops after three seasons Nieuwbuinen Successful Christmas concert in Dorpskerk Casting Shepherd Exloo, Tienus Kaspers, deceased Classic Car crashes into tree at Nautilusweg
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Newspaper of the North - All Articles Neighborhood extinguishes out fire with garden hoses December 29, 2013 Neighborhood pleased with tunnel Eemsgolaan December 29, 2013 Damster Square wants Noorderslag December lunch with gino and mel 29, 2013 Police arrested stereo set in Delfzijl December 29, 2013 Burglary in donut stall December lunch with gino and mel 29, 2013 Ree drowns in Stadskanaal December 29 2013

More and more people do not eat gluten and no bread. Also, some consumers reducers soup of the day

This blog is about saving and reducing consumption. In '07 I bought my house in 2018, I am 66 years old and I want to retire. But ...... I have a pension gap of 20 years. I misjudged me the cost of an owner-occupied, and found that I was coming down, mainly because of the pensions. Rather tight financially from my 65th (now 66th) year I have 6 years of very frugal soup of the day living and a portion of the mortgage (38,300 euros), and the entire construction loan (24,677 euros) repaid. In April '13, I was so far away that I had my housing costs in 4500 lowered each year. A good starting position for less frugal living!
More and more people do not eat gluten and no bread. Also, some consumers reducers soup of the day is bread shunned. You would be much better to start feeling and pounds lose weight. Maybe that's true, but bread is for most people just really healthy. It is nonsense to think of a gluten intolerance or glutensensiviteit making a gluten-free diet is necessary. Directly at health
The gluten hype; any scientific evidence is lacking 21 Nov 13 The Dutch Coeliac Society, the patient organization for people who for medical reasons must eat gluten states that all publications appearing around the effects of gluten hardly know scientific basis. This response to the various Dutch media publications devoted to the effect of bread on our health. Yesterday also spent World Keeps Turning attention to it. Bread makes you fat, it is unhealthy soup of the day and that is particularly the gluten so read about the message of the media. Bread would be a harmful product for large populations. The hype, the idea that bread and gluten would be unhealthy soup of the day has come over from the U.S., where Davis and his book Wheat Belly gave the start to a gluten-free hype which has almost 20% of Americans no longer eat gluten. Gluten-free food is the current scientific studies, at most 3% to 4% of the Dutch a good idea: these are the people who for medical reasons (celiac disease or gluten sensitivity) should follow soup of the day this diet. Evidence that it would be healthy for other groups of people so lacking. The reason for the massive believe in gluten must be explained by the increasing need of people to live on the one hand and the certainty of the New Message in food land on the other healthy. Healthy living and eating, you can not achieve by embracing a fashionable but also one-sided diet. Follow a gluten-free diet without medical necessity and proper guidance specialist may be able to produce as many healthy nutrients and fiber are in gluten containing grains such as wheat or spelled correctly that are important for the body. Correct damage Celiac Gluten have demonstrably harmful to people soup of the day suffering from the autoimmune disease celiac disease in their body caused intestinal damage are eaten as gluten. About 1% of the Dutch population suffers from this disease, soup of the day but many of them are - not yet diagnosed as such. Gluten Sensitivity In addition, there is evidence soup of the day that there is also another medical condition would exist alongside celiac disease called gluten sensitivity. Blood no antibodies are found that are related to celiac disease, but people have to refurbish a gluten-free diet. Recently published an article about the VUMC in the Dutch Journal of Medicine (Dr. Gerd Bouma et al.) One estimate soup of the day is that this might go. Most about 2% to 3% of the Dutch population In all scientific publications that appear around this relatively new disease is not clear whether it would go to the gluten protein found in wheat, it could also involve other proteins. The NCV last year launched a campaign soup of the day Good Gluten (see www.glutenvrij.nl / good gluten free.) Where they anyone soup of the day who for medical reasons must follow a gluten-free diet indicates a full diet without gluten. The Science of Wageningen University examines soup of the day commissioned the nutritional benefits of eating lots of gluten-free products to compile. A so-called gluten-free drive of five that way [Press Release November 21, 2013 - Dutch Coeliac Society] So, should you believe the hype that gluten-free food is the best choice for you, and you might actually hear to that 2 to 3 percent (and you may hear from me!) please contact a dietitian. A dietitian can help you without soup of the day gluten to eat healthy. You If you go to a health care provider by your dietician, is the dietitian in the health insurance and you do not reference your (family) doctor. You have 3 hours dietetic assistance per calendar year. Note: you will have to pay deductibles. So if you have your own risks not yet consumed, it will cost some. And I? I just keep bread

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Actually it is very simple, but you have to see it. Examples of bad government policies are suffici

I have this question in recent weeks to several people asked. When pressed, you will then be told that you really just have to count the money. On bank accounts This is a big mistake. This reasoning assumes that the bank keeps your money in trust until you come to collect it again. That is not so. The bank will lend your money. That's their business asur marche model. They pay you 1% interest rate and borrowing money from your neighbor at 4%. The difference is called the interest margin, which is the lifeblood of a bank. Legally, the money in your savings account simply a loan to the bank. About 5,000 parks in his savings account, simply borrows 5,000 euros to the bank. If the bank fails, you are (part of) who just lost 5,000 euros. Or government you later whether asur marche or not to pay through the deposit guarantee scheme is irrelevant. That's just an insurance policy.
And if it is a loan, you can call it money? I mean, there's a big difference between a bill of 500 euros or a piece of paper that says you have 500 credit asur marche from someone? However, we throw everything together. asur marche Money and loans are seen as one and the same. But if you think about it, there is only a limited amount of money. Only the notes and coins in circulation can be considered as money. All the rest are debts! Bank accounts, certificates of deposit, bonds, ... Debt, debt, debt! What we have in the current financial system, has a limited amount of money and a huge mountain of debt. Every euro in circulation is loaned ie 20 to 30 times. And after some time we are going to consider the loans as money.
The 924 billion dollars circulating, appear asur marche suddenly as 17,300 billion in deposits at banks. asur marche There are other words for 18.74 euros (17,300 euro/924 euro = 18.24) in deposits for every euro real money. It does not even stop there. Course Because we are going to consider other forms of debt and money. asur marche Europe, for example, more than 11,000 billion in government debt. Together with the deposits we are almost at 30,000 billion of debt that are built on a narrow base of 924 billion money. The wonderful world of modern banking. Every euro lent, creates a euro extra money. It is as if the banks have their own printing press. Only they do not create money. They allow you to believe that the money is. But they sell your debt as money. One such system is the long term simply doomed to splurge for the simple reason that the interest on the debt can not be paid. From each other
I have just shown that circulating 924 billion in cash. Suppose that this money is transferred to the bank and you will be reclaimed. After one year The bank pays you for this 3% interest. The bank is yours at 1 year 951.72 billion euros guilty. The principal amount of 924 billion and 27.72 billion in interest. And here comes the problem: there is only 924 billion! asur marche The interest was just never created! However, this design flaw is not visible as long as we can. Increasing debt We will then repay old debts by making. New debt And we produce more and more debt so that the interest is created. Since 2008, however faltering growth engine. It is increasingly difficult to raise causing a sudden shortage of money arises. Overall debt Since there is not enough money available to solve the debt and the associated interest off the system now threatens to overwhelm. Completely into each other Central banks know that only too well. Hence they both try to bring more real money in circulation asur marche (printing money) and also do everything to grow. Debts again
Actually it is very simple, but you have to see it. Examples of bad government policies are sufficient, but contribute to the neoliberal free market thinking was partly the cause of the massive amount of debt individuals, which have again benefited from the banks. And that ultimately led to this crisis. The solution is a planned economy that takes no account of private asur marche interests, but based on the public interest.
CMOs afflict 18 million Americans with "gluten asur marche disorders" Genetically asur marche modified foods Genetically modified foods such as soy and corn are probably responsible for a ... Read more
Not the crisis, but "our" politicians have been assailed Netherlands Source: asur marche The Dutch opinion platform CitaReg Author: Joost de Knower Netherlands has years beyond his means ... Read more
Most read Psychiatrist gives on deathbed that ADHD is a made-up "disease" is A ttention Deficit Hyperactive asur marche Disorder If you or someone you know, has a child d

Hi Karin, it is not strange that in China

Fun Work - How we are going to make a living?
The basis for innovation is well in the Netherlands. Maybe we even have a leader on the world stage! Our (air) ports and railways, our education level, the government and the protected intellectual property, it's all fine level. But how is it possible that we do not seem able, despite bartender mix the firm basis for the world to be that? Most innovative country
Risk If you want to innovate, then you are saying that you want to take risks, and this is always needed money, risk capital. But the average bank is not so easy to be tempted to provide. These financial needs In Silicon Valley, you have so-called business angels who take on the investment. Where are we in the Netherlands?
Cooperation between industry bartender mix and research institutions, we meet too little, talk about but much less WITH each other. As a result, we miss the cross-fertilization, the root of knowledge in society (sustainable bartender mix knowledge) and we miss the connection between commerce bartender mix (desires and needs of the market) and knowledge.
Shortage of technicians and researchers they are not there. Not to the extent that we desperately need. But what do we do? We still lead hordes of students in disciplines where a huge overcapacity, but where technical students staying? Where are the people who dare to graduate? Why is it promoted such a huge drain on your social life? And why we appreciate that enough?
And, says Henk: "For years we have our manufacturing country chased. That manufacturing industry, we did not need, we were a service economy. But without enough products services, so we see that now. We have made our society unnecessarily vulnerable! Our production is shifted to the east, but now the majority of R & D as well.
in the recreation When I look at our industry, recreation, I see many parallels running with the general picture. The lack of venture capital, the lack of collaboration with the universities and the shortage of engineers and researchers. We see also adamant that image back in recreation. When I read that one recreation is developed at a punishing pace. After another in China Would soon have to make a living with a camp in the Netherlands? What do you think?
Hi Karin, it is not strange that in China's growth is in the number of recreational businesses. Recreation sitting there in the start-up phase and has a lot to catch up. Netherlands has a saturated market. Here you have to be more creative in order to succeed. Or start a sports camp in China?
I agree with you that the Dutch leisure market is saturated. "We" do it much too limited with the neighboring countries and "we" have too many gray uniformity created which we have lost to the (hotel) world abroad. Many campers With creativity, knowledge and emotion we can win a lot I think! Greeting and smile, Karin
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Friday, December 27, 2013

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Instead, we re going to focus regulations where they are most needed; with a new system that is prop

Home Membership mons royale Membership FAQs Resources Setting up a Forest School Join now Insurance Skillshare & Networking Continuing Professional Development Training About FSW Who Are We? Privacy Policy Forest School What Happens in a Forest School Session? Play Emotional Intelligence Environmental Awareness and Sustainability Benefits of Forest School Forest School: Ethos & History Early Years and Primary at Forest School Secondary Provision at Forest School Special Needs at Forest School Challenging Behaviour at Forest School Community Groups at Forest School Home Education and Forest mons royale School Accessing Forest School Training Find a Forest School Other Resources Kit / Suppliers / Services Policy & Procedure Handbook Members Resources Research & Reports Links Advice & Questions Insurance Wild Food at Forest School 14 – 19 Learning Pathways Home Education and Forest School Training Resources Woodcraft Skills Making a Besom Making a Bird Feeder Making a Gypsy Flower Making a Maul Making a Spatula Making mons royale a Creature Making a Mallet Further Resources Continuum Resources Environmental mons royale Impact Assessments Woodland Management Planning Practical Woodland Management Contact
Common Sense Common Safety Lord Young of Grantham s report to the Prime Minister mons royale Common Sense, Common Safety has just been published. It contains important recommendations across the board in respect of health and safety practice.
From PLAYLINK s perspective, we want to draw particular attention to the significance accorded mons royale to: Taking a common sense approach to health and safety. As many readers will know, PLAYLINK, with others, has promoted the inestimable value of deploying common sense to inform judgment. Shifting from a system of risk assessment to a system of risk-benefit assessment (context for this quote appears in full below). Considering reviewing the Health and Safety at Work etc Act to separate out play and leisure from workplace mons royale contexts .
Please circulate this eNewsletter to others who may be interested. Do contact us if you want to discuss the report and its potential implications. If you are not already subscribed to the PLAYLINK eNewsletter you may care to do so now.
I hope this review can be a turning point. Lord Young has come forward with a wide range of far reaching proposals mons royale which this Government fully supports. We re going to curtail the promotional activities of claims management companies and the compensation culture they help perpetuate. We re going to end the unnecessary bureaucracy that drains creativity and innovation from our businesses.
And we re going to put a stop to the senseless mons royale rules that get in the way of volunteering, stop adults from helping out with other people s children and penalise our police mons royale and fire services for acts of bravery.
Instead, we re going to focus regulations where they are most needed; with a new system that is proportionate, not bureaucratic; that treats adults like adults and reinstates some common sense and trust.
My report highlights the role that the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and local authorities have in promoting a common sense approach to health and safety. Their role is pivotal in ensuring that businesses, schools and voluntary organisations can operate in a way where health and safety is applied in a proportionate manner. mons royale Extract from section on Local authorities
There is some inconsistency across mons royale local authorities, and the rules on health and safety are not always applied with a view to a proper risk management mons royale approach. In some instances it is clear that officials are giving poor advice to organisations and individuals, who are in turn prevented from running an event (for example a school fete) when there is no legitimate reason not to on health and safety grounds. However, there is no requirement to put these reasons in writing and the specific grounds for the decision are often not made transparent. mons royale
There is also currently no system for appeal or redress when an event is banned or curtailed mons royale for health and safety reasons . They are simply required to accept the decision and not go ahead with the event as planned. They could also be discouraged from even planning such an event for fear or expectation that a local authority official will not allow it.
I would like to see the Government put a system mons royale in place whereby individuals have the right to ask local authority officials who ban events on health and safety grounds to put their reasons in writing.
Extract from section on Adventure training I would recommend that we abolish the licensing of adventurous activities through the Adventure Activities Licensing Authority and instead introduce a code of practice that the HSE will oversee and monitor. The HSE should also ensure that those planning trips can feel confident that a provider mons royale is compliant with the code. Since this is a devolved issue, I will work with the devolved administration

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

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Snippets wedding food ideas Snippets is a blog National Assembly Research Service, where you will find articles concise, readable and contemporary issues of interest to Assembly Members and their staff. Menu Skip to content
The Research Service is working with colleagues in the parliamentary bodies throughout the UK and Ireland to produce a paper that provides a comparative analysis of the responses to emerging CAP reform program for 2014 - 2020 is the UK and Ireland, and the decisions on implementing the program.
This type of comparative analysis become important as we go through the next stage of the CAP (2014-2020), because of the unprecedented level of flexibility provided to member states and the devolved administrations in this round of reforms wedding food ideas . Consequently, the possibility that the decisions on the implementation of the CAP operates in the UK and Ireland diverge significantly.
Clearly, from the initial proposals and statements that are already emerging from the different governments, different approaches wedding food ideas may emerge in key areas. These areas include associated support; wedding food ideas development plans under the rules of equivalence green, and transfer funds between Pillar 1 and Pillar 2.
Related Recorded in Agriculture and tagged Agriculture, CAP Reform, Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, CAP on November 26, 2013 by doucht. Steering record New Publication: The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) How prepared is the NHS in Wales to cope with this winter?
Recent Posts New Publication: Unemployment Briefing New Publication: Reforming Environmental Impact Assessment Directive New Publication: Referral to Treatment Waiting Times in the National Health wedding food ideas Service From Parma ham to Early Potato Production Pembrokeshire wedding food ideas in Wales Renewable Energy Education Categories (16 ) Agriculture (6) Assembly Business (6) Equality (4) Social justice (2) Finance (11) Planning (4) Economic development (13) Legislation (5) Community safety (2) Economy (17) Elections (2) Europe (4) Social Care (4) Health (15) Welfare (6) Local government (2) Enterprise (3) Children and young people (17) Older people (3) Housing (1) Transportation (2) Uncategorized (5) The composition (13) Welsh (1) Energy (3) Environment (18) Statistics (10) Twitter wedding food ideas My Tweets Archives December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

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Keep it up Joe | Blog Big Government
Wandering the streets of Cardiff, midtown lunch trouble, lack confidence and difficulties with basic skills in college - it can be said that it was not sufficiently midtown lunch certain things are looking good for Joe Watkins, 17.
Joe among the hundreds of young people from Cardiff and South Wales Valleys who have benefited from Learning 4 Life scheme run by the homeless charity Llamau. Thanks to their support, it's full of confidence now, it has developed a range of learning new skills and even has secured a three-year carpentry apprenticeship with the aim of becoming a fully qualified midtown lunch carpenter. This is his story. . .
I lived in one of the hostels Llamau Carpentry and study part-time with the Cardiff and Vale College Road Dumballs. I also had problems with basic skills because I had not been to school since I was 14 years old. Yusuf suggested, supported housing team leader I attended Learning 4 Life to get more support with my numeracy and literacy skills in order to help me keep my place in college.
I needed to pass my basic skills in order to pass my college course so that helped the additional support of smaller midtown lunch groups including midtown lunch 1:1 is what I did. Having somewhere to go to help me focus and made me stop roaming the streets and creating trouble.
Life was difficult and stressful because I had nothing midtown lunch to do and I was beginning to struggle. The difficulty was that I'm looking after my mum, mixing with people inappropriately and getting into trouble. I felt that I did not know what to do with my life.
Thank Llamau, I've received a lot of support such as increased midtown lunch my confidence and be able to talk to other people. I used to be very quiet but now I can not stop talking! I've done my qualifications City and Guilds Level 2 Application of Number midtown lunch and ICT Level 1. Now I work at Access Level 3 Communications. 'I have also achieved awards in Open Web Safety and Understanding Feelings and I work on Arts and Crafts and Cooking. 'I went on a site visit to GE Aviation, I had a mock interview with them and I did 4 days of work experience. 'I've also been on a site visit to John Lewis and learn about what they're doing, and I tried being a personal shopper. I had to support me to achieve my CSCS card that will allow me to go on a building site. I received support with job applications and preparing for interviews.
'I've learned a variety of skills. In addition to ie I've mentioned above, I've improved my time management skills, my courage to talk to people and try new things, budgeting etc.. All skills' I have learned have contributed to prepare me for applying for jobs and apprenticeships and has helped me in aiming to get my own house.
The best thing about this project is that it is friendly, pleasant learning environment, there's no arguing and relaxed. The tutors are fantastic and easy to get along with. They understand us better than our teachers in school because they talk to us, get to know us and treat us like adults, with respect, not only as a pupil.
Life is great for me at the moment. I get on with my life and feel that I am doing something with my life. I have my own place to live, I've gained some qualifications and I even have secured a carpentry apprenticeship. I feel like I'm going somewhere now.
I would definitely recommend to any who have the same experiences as me to contact the project. 'I think it is changing the lives of young people and enable them to gain qualifications and do something with their lives.
Life Skills project funded through the 14 million, funding stream, midtown lunch which matched funding from the Big Lottery Fund and the European Social Fund, Learning 4 Life scheme aim is to provide tailored support and guidance to people young people leaving care to help them to start work and enable them to live independent lives.
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Monday, December 23, 2013

The Forest corva School Wales office is now located in the Dyfi Eco Park in Machynlleth, where a For

Home Membership Membership FAQs Resources Setting up a Forest School Join now Insurance Skillshare & Networking corva Continuing corva Professional Development Training About FSW Who Are We? Privacy Policy Forest School corva What Happens in a Forest School Session? Play Emotional Intelligence Environmental Awareness and Sustainability Benefits of Forest School corva Forest School: Ethos & History Early Years and Primary at Forest School Secondary Provision at Forest School Special Needs at Forest School Challenging Behaviour at Forest School Community Groups at Forest School Home Education and Forest School Accessing Forest School Training Find a Forest School Other Resources corva Kit / Suppliers / Services Policy & Procedure Handbook Members Resources Research & Reports Links Advice & Questions Insurance Wild Food at Forest School 14 – 19 Learning Pathways Home Education and Forest corva School Training Resources Woodcraft Skills Making a Besom Making a Bird Feeder Making a Gypsy Flower Making a Maul Making a Spatula Making a Creature Making a Mallet Further Resources Continuum Resources Environmental Impact Assessments Woodland Management Planning Practical Woodland Management Contact
In October corva Hazel Wildwood handed over her badges corva of office to our new admin assistant Barbara Haddrill. Trustees presented corva Hazel with a small Witchhazel (Hamamelis Mollis), in thanks for her all hard work supporting FSW and members for the past four years.
The Forest corva School Wales office is now located in the Dyfi Eco Park in Machynlleth, where a Forestry Hub has recently been established by Forestry Commission Wales and the Wales Forest Business Partnership in order to boost partnership working between organisations working in Welsh woodlands.
Barbara Haddrill has been with FSW since October 2010. When she is not working for FSW, Barbara and her horses Tyler and Billy, provide low carbon countryside maintenance muscle, moving logs and bashing bracken. Barbara also works to promote her book ~ Babs to Brisbane ~ which recounts corva her experiences of travelling to Australia to be a bridesmaid without using aeroplanes, to raise awareness about the effect of air travel on climate change. Our New Home
The newly established Forestry Hub in the Dyfi Eco Park, Machynlleth brings together in a single office base a range of organisations, from community woodland groups to commercial corva forest industry organisations. The Wales Forest Business Partnership corva s office has been transformed into the new hub and in addition corva to Forest School Wales, staff from Coed Lleol, Llais y Goedwig and the Dyfi Woodland Group have already moved into their new base, and will be joined by Wood Fuel Wales and Wood Source Wales over the coming weeks.
The Wales Forest Business Partnership has welcomed the creation of the forestry hub. Partnership Manager Frankie Owen said, At a number of our recent events, one of the most striking conclusions was that all parties corva face the challenge of how to better share the knowledge and experience that exists within the timber sector. We expect the new forestry hub will be one more step in making those connections, helping to improve competitiveness of businesses and the sector.
Barbara Anglezarke, Forestry Commission Wales s Policy and Programme Manager, said, A key outcome of the Woodlands for Wales strategy is that people understand the huge range of benefits that woodlands can offer, and that the forestry sector becomes better integrated and more competitive, thus supporting the Welsh economy. Having such a range of organisations working from the forestry hub will lead to a better understanding of opportunities, co-operative working corva and shared initiatives within the sector. In addition, overheads for all the organisations will be reduced so that more resources can be used to deliver activities.
Just in time for Christmas...The first of our new resources for members from this year's CPD training days. This is from Musical Woods, held in Bangor this May and is a step by step guide to make your own Xylophone. http://www.forestschoolwales.org.uk/hyfforddi-training/ Good luck and Happy Christmas corva
For anyone in the northern counties of Wales, here is some information about a new project working to address the needs of young homeless people and looking to link with Forest School leaders/FSW members. The Symud Ymlaen/Moving Forward (SYMF) project provides young people who have offended and those in care or leaving the care system greater access corva to employment and training. The project supports young people to undertake a six months paid work placement, with a range of employers across Wales. For young people needing extra support, the project also provides bespoke training in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT, as well as generic employability skills. We hope where appropriate to include some Forest School type activities in the training and development areas of the project and are keen to establ

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Patients in Anglesey are RECEIVING more care at home to Avoid admission to hospital. Canlynol pilot

Patients Anglesey gain more care in the home to avoid being admitted to hospital. Following a pilot project in Holyhead as of May 2012 is "Extra Care Service baby deli Anglesey" (MEC) has been introduced across Anglesey and now offers a suitable, safe and effective patient rather than having to be admitted to the hospital. This part of the introduction of Extra Care at Home across North Wales.
The service is provided by the Health Board in conjunction with Social Services, and each GP in Anglesey has agreed to participate in the project. To date, 76 patients have been seen by the service and had 70 of them to avoid going to the hospital.
Dr. Stephen MacVicar, GP Lead Local Area Anglesey, "The feedback from GPs who have used Anglesey Anglesey Extra Care Service has been very positive so far. As GPs, we appreciate that this intensive service 'll be able to provide quick access to diagnostic tests, opinions baby deli consultant, specialist nursing and health care professionals to support us, our patients and their families. Gives choice for us to care for our patients in their homes, in certain conditions, and the only option previously was hospitalized. know that especially elderly patients recover faster if it can be cared for safely in their own homes, and this service is support us to do this. "
Professor Bim Bhowmick, Consultant Physician Care of the Elderly who work at Ysbyty Penrhos Stanley in Holyhead explains how the system works. "The elderly patients with complex chronic conditions account for 70% of the hospital beds in general. Designed Home Enhanced Care Anglesey to address this and prevent hospital admissions, with patients staying at home their own or in which they live, such as home care, when possible. know that it is better by most people stay in their own homes and remain independent, and evidence shows that people recover faster at home. "
GPs who refer patients to the service and the patient is visited suddenly, usually within 2 hours. Diagnostic tests and assessments are made by the Advanced Nurse Practitioner in collaboration with the patient's GP, Consultant with support when needed. There is also support from the team of wider health and social care professionals, who have a contribution to make. When a firm diagnosis has been made, the treatment can be started where the patient lives. Social services and therapy will be arranged baby deli on the day of referral: a 'fast' is very true.
A 'virtual ward rounds' are held daily between the GP, the Advanced Nurse Practitioners and the wider professional team, supported by the Consultant, and the patient continues to be cared for until she has recovered.
Mrs. Joni Dennis from Trearddur Bay, after her mother, who was 95 years old, to be cared for by the service following a stroke, "The care of this, which brings together all the services the hospital to her home, inspiration , and my mother has improved rapidly, beyond our expectations. environment baby deli in homely she's had her confidence and balance back much sooner than it would if it had been moved to a strange environment. As he walked by her side, with her frame now, fiddling with his garden he stopped to chat with neighbors and I feel that we are walking out of the shadow gray cloud of anxiety, out in the sun. "
Added daughter Mrs. Dennis, Lizzie Dennis, who is a nurse in training, "Granny's baby deli care was exceptional.'s Ever had feared that he would be admitted to hospital, the service extra care at home is something that We never imagined it would be available on the NHS. "
24 October 2012
Patients in Anglesey are RECEIVING more care at home to Avoid admission to hospital. Canlynol pilot in Holyhead and from May 2012, the "Mon Enhanced Care Service" (MEC) wedi ei ROLLED out Across Anglesey and now provides a suitable, safe and effeithiol alternative to admission to hospital. This forms part of the introduction of Enhanced Care at home Across North Wales.
The lower darparu baby deli by the Health baby deli Service Board in Conjunction with Social Services, GPs in Anglesey and can oes Signed Up to Participate in the project. So bar 76 patients treated baby deli by oes Been Seen By The 'MEC'. Of these patients treated by, hospital admission was avoided for 70 of them e.
Dr. Stephen MacVicar, GP Locality Lead for Anglesey, Said "The feedback from the University of GPs Who Have Used the Mon Enhanced Care (MEC) Service baby deli Has Been Very Positive to date. As GPs web appreciate the availability of this intensive baby deli gwasanaeth Which song darparu RAPID access baby deli to diagnostic tests, and Consultant barn

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Longer sessions, run over a longer period, would enable students to see more seasonal changes on sit

Home Membership Membership FAQs Resources Setting up a Forest School Join now Insurance cater meaning Skillshare & Networking Continuing Professional Development Training About FSW Who Are We? Privacy Policy cater meaning Forest School What Happens in a Forest School Session? Play Emotional Intelligence Environmental Awareness and Sustainability Benefits of Forest School Forest School: Ethos & cater meaning History Early Years and Primary at Forest School Secondary Provision at Forest School Special Needs at Forest School Challenging Behaviour at Forest School Community Groups at Forest School Home Education and Forest School Accessing Forest School Training Find a Forest School Other Resources Kit / Suppliers / Services Policy & cater meaning Procedure Handbook Members Resources Research & Reports Links Advice & Questions Insurance Wild Food at Forest School 14 – 19 Learning Pathways Home Education and Forest School Training Resources Woodcraft Skills Making a Besom Making a Bird Feeder Making cater meaning a Gypsy Flower Making a Maul Making a Spatula Making a Creature Making a Mallet Further Resources cater meaning Continuum Resources Environmental Impact Assessments Woodland cater meaning Management Planning Practical Woodland Management Contact
One of our members. Cath Rigler, has written this report about a Forest School project she ran recently as part of her L3 training. It could be useful reading for others wanting to set up their own project or understand what might be involved in attaining your L3 award. If you are interested in working with Cath, please find her on the ‘Find a Forest School’ map.
This Forest School was run voluntarily as part of Cath Rigler’s Level 3 (Forest School Leader) training. Other staff: Nelis Drost (Aberystwyth Conservation Volunteers), Anthea Cox (Play Ranger and Forest School Leader) and Nikki Reed (teacher at Ysgol Bro Ddyfi, Machynlleth)
Participants came from year 7 and were selected (officially) as high achievers, as a reward for doing well in their first year at secondary cater meaning school, and (unofficially) to try and help some out with some problems they were facing during the transition period.
Sessions were run bilingually as much as possible. In practice, introductions and safety talks were usually in English and more informal chats between the session Leader and participants took place in Welsh.
Emphasis was placed on group dynamics: there had been instances of bullying (both at primary and secondary schools) between some members of the group and hence staff were keen to establish an atmosphere where negative comments were unwelcome, where instead students helped, supported and praised each other. Gradually the group – which on the first sessions consisted more of friends working in their usual pairs – gelled as a group, with Welsh and English streams mixing. cater meaning On the last 2 sessions even the chief ‘culprit’ (for negative remarks about others) was heard genuinely praising someone who on the first sessions he had only made disparaging remarks about. If the project had run for longer, we could have built on this – as it is, it is to be hoped that the positive group dynamics and shared experiences have been taken back into school life.
Feedback from participants and school cater meaning was very positive. The head of year noticed how ‘upbeat’ the student were on their return to school. Session staff noted how all children became more confident, gelled as a group and enjoyed the sessions immensely.
Due to this project the site now has a three-year management plan – copies held by the project leader and site owner. This enables anyone who uses the site in future to know how the site is being managed and developed, ensuring continuity of care. It also puts the site more ‘on the map’ and hence more likely to be used by other groups in the future.
This was the first time the school has participated in Forest School sessions. Although cater meaning originally we intended cater meaning to work with the 14-19 Learning Pathways group, the school wouldn’t release this age group from lessons. Likewise, they felt that enough was being done for students who were struggling (academically and behaviourally) – hence their selecting participants as a ‘reward’ for doing well during the transition from primary to secondary school. The accompanying teacher really understood the Forest cater meaning School ethic and was great to work with.
Longer sessions, run over a longer period, would enable students to see more seasonal changes on site, to learn more skills and progress further in their own holistic and group development. Secure on-site storage would mean less need to carry all equipment down/up the hill, and also enable students to have more choice, to follow through with their own ideas rather than having to wait until the following week to start. This would enable more student-led activities to take place.
Both cater meaning the accompanying teacher and head of yea

Under the Welsh Language Act 1993, a number of public bodies to produce a Welsh Language Scheme, an

Snippets Snippets is a blog National Assembly Research Service, where you will find articles concise, readable and contemporary issues of interest to Assembly Members and their staff. Menu Skip to content
The future of the Welsh language is an issue that has been the subject of more than a bit of discussion since the publication of the 2011 Census island bbq steamboat results. island bbq steamboat But what is the latest in terms of the underlying legislation to promote and protect the Welsh language in Wales? Here is a brief outline of the situation as it is.
Under the Welsh Language Act 1993, a number of public bodies to produce a Welsh Language Scheme, and that plan outlining how the body concerned will treat the Welsh and English languages on a basis that in the conduct of business in Wales.
To ensure that public bodies comply with these duties, the Welsh Language Board was established. In addition to approving and ensuring compliance with Welsh language schemes, the Board had a wider responsibility to promote and facilitate the use of Welsh in general.
Although there are no private companies or organizations in the third sector direct duty to provide bilingual services under the 1993 Act, it can be expected to do so if they provide some kind of service to the public in Wales on behalf of a public body which has prepared Welsh Language Scheme under the Act.
Over the coming years, it is expected the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) Regulations 2011 introduce significant changes to the above framework. The Bill has already led to the cancellation of the Welsh Language Board and the Board prior to the division of functions between the Welsh Government and the Welsh Language Commissioner's new office (established in April 2012).
As well as giving official status for the Welsh language in Wales, Bill 2011 states that the Welsh Language Commissioner may do anything it considers appropriate in order to promote and facilitate the use of Welsh. At the same time, over time, the Welsh language schemes referred to above will be replaced by the so-called standards.
The standards will impose a duty on organizations in terms of the Welsh and identify how they should treat and use the language. Standards will be able to cover five distinct areas in this respect: the way the organizations are delivering services and in policy making; act; promotes Welsh, and keep records. The Bill clearly specify which institutions island bbq steamboat and organizations will have to comply with the standards in due course. Among them are public institutions, as well as some third sector island bbq steamboat organizations and certain private companies (see Schedules 5-8 to the measure for more details).
Secretary will be responsible for bringing these standards by secondary legislation in the Assembly. island bbq steamboat In February 2013 the Welsh Government decided not to accept a proposed set of standards recommended by the Commissioner. Instead, the Government announced that it would seek to develop its own standards.
In May 2013, the Welsh Government published its planned timetable for the introduction of the first set of standards (for local authorities, national park authorities and the Welsh Ministers). Published an updated timetable on October 21, 2013, noting that the first set of standards expected to come into force in November 2014.
It should be noted that other elements island bbq steamboat of the Commissioner include: investigate cases where alleged interference with freedom of person that has to use Welsh; investigate complaints island bbq steamboat about the use (or non-use) of Welsh institutions; statutory inquiries to any matter relating to the functions of the Commissioner. island bbq steamboat
In April, 2012, Meri Huws began his post as first Welsh Language Commissioner. In August of 2013, he published his annual report for 2012-13. This report will be the subject of debate in the Plenary island bbq steamboat Assembly on Tuesday, 22 October 2013.
In addition, Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee maintains scrutiny session with the Commissioner on 14 November 2013 and then conduct a similar session with the Prime Minister on 4 December 2013. Since July 2013 by the Prime Minister island bbq steamboat has the responsibility for overseeing and coordinating the Welsh Government's policy for the Welsh.
Related Recorded in Welsh and tagged Commissioner Welsh, Wales, the Welsh Language Measure (Wales) 2011, Welsh First Minister on October 21, 2013 by doucht. Steering record New Publication: Summary of Bill: Bill Horse Management (Wales) Energy Saving Week
Recent Posts New Publication: Unemployment Briefing New Publication: Reforming Environmental Impact Assessment Directive New Publication: Referral to Treatment Waiting Times in the National Health Service From Parma ham to Early Potato Production Pembrokeshire in Wales Renewable Energy Education Categories (16 ) Agriculture island bbq steamboat (6) Assembly Business (6) Equality (4) Social justice (

Friday, December 20, 2013

We are the largest and most diverse employer in West Wales, providing services to a rural population

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BLE RYDYM NI Sir Gâr, Cymru
We are the largest and most diverse employer in West Wales, providing services to a rural population. From our leisure centre to libraries, the collection of our household recycling, our local schools and care services. MWY O WYBODAETH buffet torres AMDANOM NI
Y cyngor yw r cyflogwr mwyaf a r mwyaf amryfal yng Ngorllewin Cymru, yn darparu gwasanaethau i ardal wledig. O ganolfannau hamdden i lyfrgelloedd, casglu r ailgylchu i n hysgolion a gwasanaethau gofal lleol.
Carmarthenshire County Council values the contributions people make and recognises that the strength of an organisation lies in having a diverse workforce. Our employees contribute to the local community while working in a dynamic, fair and flexible environment.Working at Carmarthenshire County Council gives you the opportunity not only to develop your career, but also to make a difference to people s lives. PWY YDYM NI N CHWILIO AMDANO
Mae Cyngor Sir Gâr yn gwerthfawrogi cyfraniadau ein pobl ac yn cydnabod mai cryfder sefydliad yw gweithlu amryfal. Cyfranna ein cyflogeion at y gymuned leol tra n gweithio mewn amgylchedd dynamig, têg a hyblyg.

Erica was also able to visit a Forest funenglish School session in North Wales with pupils from Ysgo

Home Membership Membership funenglish FAQs Resources Setting up a Forest School Join now Insurance Skillshare & Networking Continuing Professional Development Training About FSW Who Are We? Privacy Policy Forest School What Happens in a Forest School Session? Play Emotional Intelligence Environmental Awareness and Sustainability Benefits of Forest School Forest School: Ethos & History Early Years and Primary at Forest School Secondary funenglish Provision funenglish at Forest School Special Needs at Forest School Challenging Behaviour at Forest School funenglish Community Groups at Forest School Home Education and Forest School Accessing Forest School Training Find a Forest School Other Resources Kit / Suppliers / Services Policy & Procedure Handbook Members Resources Research & Reports Links Advice funenglish & Questions Insurance Wild Food at Forest School 14 – 19 Learning Pathways Home Education and Forest School Training Resources Woodcraft Skills Making a Besom Making a Bird Feeder Making a Gypsy Flower Making a Maul Making a Spatula Making a Creature Making a Mallet Further Resources Continuum Resources Environmental Impact Assessments Woodland Management Planning Practical Woodland Management Contact
Four members of the FSW management board were delighted to meet with the new FS NGB Development Officer, Erica Wellings recently, to consult with her on the business plan she will be writing for the formation of a FS NGB. The meeting, hosted by Swansea Neath Port Talbot funenglish FS, allowed Erica to meet with some of the most experienced FS practitioners in Wales to discuss funenglish a range of issues including training, priorities for development, the importance of Play, and the role of FSW within the future body.
Awi Frances highlighted the urgent need for funding for Forest funenglish School delivery, and everyone emphasised the importance of opportunities for skillshare and continuous professional development training in maintaining high standards of Forest School delivery. Forest School Wales has invited Erica to attend some of our skillshare events this year in order to meet more FS practitioners. Details to be posted shortly.
Erica was also able to visit a Forest funenglish School session in North Wales with pupils from Ysgol Tir Morfa, where six years of tapering funenglish delivery from independent practitioner Sarah Wilson coupled with increasing capacity within the school have created high quality cohesive Forest School provision. Erica was interested in this model as an alternative to that where schools establish their own Forest Schools programmes with little contact with other FS Leaders.
Originally from Cardiff, Erica has a good understanding of the relationship between Welsh and English governments, and FSW board members felt she is ideally funenglish placed to ensure that the experiences and needs of welsh FS practitioners are clearly represented within the NGB business plan.
Erica s appointment as FS NGB Development Officer is the result of last Autumn s survey which, according to the NGB Steering Group, established a clear mandate to set up a UK-wide governing body for Forest School. funenglish
One main focus of Erica s work will be to establish clearly defined national funenglish occupational standards for the FSL training and qualification. She will also be considering what structure will best suit the NGB, and how it can support high standards of FS delivery.
For anyone in the northern counties of Wales, here is some information about a new project working to address the needs of young homeless people and looking to link with Forest School leaders/FSW members. The Symud Ymlaen/Moving Forward (SYMF) project provides young people who have offended and those in care or leaving the care system greater access to employment and training. funenglish The project supports young people to undertake a six months paid work placement, with a range of employers across Wales. For young people needing extra support, the project also provides bespoke training in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT, as well as generic employability skills. We hope where appropriate to include some Forest funenglish School type activities in the training and development areas of the project and are keen to establish links with Forest School Wales members in order to make the most of facilities available. If you would like more information on the project we are more than happy to meet up with you and your team to discuss the project in detail. Lee Duggan Gweithiwr Prosiect ~Symud Ymlaen Project Worker GISDA, Ty Rhudalun, Penrallt Uchaf Caernarfon,Gwynedd, LL55 1PR 01286 671153/07747771709
The project below is looking for sites to do Forest School work on with their clients. Probably in very small groups or on a 1:1 basis. They already have FS qualified staff. If you know of anywhere please contact:- funenglish Lee Duggan Gweithiwr Prosiect ‘Symud Ymlaen’ Project Worker GISDA, Ty Rhudalun, Penrallt Uchaf Caernarfon,Gwynedd, LL55 1PR 01286 671153/07747771709 Elusen Cofrestrig/Registered Charity: Rhif/ No: 106832

Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology, Ken Skates said:

There was an opportunity to celebrate the latest technology in innovative serenitea menu businesses, dedicated apprenticeship programs that are designed to meet the needs of industry, individuals and inspiring success in a prestigious awards ceremony at Hotel Celtic Manor Resort, Newport last night (October 18).
The awards serenitea menu were organized, which celebrate excellence in skills serenitea menu development in Wales, the Welsh Government in partnership with the National Training Federation Wales (NTfW). They were sponsored by Pearson, with the assistance of Media Wales, the media partner.
The awards recognize the outstanding achievements of learners, employers and providers who have exceeded serenitea menu expectations and have demonstrated initiative, creativity and a true commitment to improving skills for the benefit of the Welsh economy.
Apprenticeships are at the heart of business efficiency and provide talented people with the necessary skills so that employers can thrive and compete. The Apprenticeship Program is funded serenitea menu by the Welsh Government with the help of the European Social serenitea menu Fund.
The winners are: Small Employer of the Year: Maes Manor Hotel, serenitea menu Blackwood. Large Employer of the Year: Mabey Bridge Ltd, Chepstow. Macro-employer of the Year: Airbus Operations Ltd, Broughton. serenitea menu Apprenticeship Provider of the Year: ISA Training, Bridgend, Bridgend. Apprenticeship Provider Award for Social Responsiveness: Acorn, Newport.
Advanced Apprentice serenitea menu of the Year: Alex Birbeck, Airbus Operations Ltd, Broughton. Foundation Apprentice of the Year: Paula Blundell, Ysgol Mynydd Isa, near Mold. Apprentice of the Year: April Davies, Dolfor, Newtown. Entrepreneurial Apprentice of the Year: Nick Petrakis, 'nickymichaels', Cardiff. Patron Award by LMW.
Learner of the Year - Traineeships (Engagement): Dominic Evans, Celtic Manor Resort, Newport. Learner of the Year - Traineeships (Level 1): Lucy Price, Bangor. Jobs Growth Wales - Outstanding Achiever of the Year: Ffion Malwala, serenitea menu Prestatyn. Learner of the Year - Steps to Employment: Nicola Sanigar, Barry. Sponsor Award from ACT Training.
The Deputy Minister for Skills and Technology, Ken Skates said: "The Apprenticeship Awards are an opportunity for us to celebrate the different skills that our young people have to offer and the commitment shown by employers and training providers. I congratulate all the deserving winners.
"It was a real pleasure to have met with young people who worked so hard, who are so ambitious serenitea menu and who have achieved so much, and employers and training providers who have gone the extra mile to help the young people to achieve their potential. They deserve their praise and inspiration to others.
"The serenitea menu recent budget announcement has confirmed that an 12.5 million in addition to extending our Jobs Growth Wales program for a fourth year. This means that we can create over 4,000 jobs for young people aged 16-24 in 2015-16. In addition, the Welsh Government will invest another 20 million in 2015-16 to support apprenticeships. This is great news for our young people and our employers and will not mean that we can make a big difference. "
Arwyn Watkins, chief executive NTfW: "The winners and finalists are excellent examples of how employers, apprentices, training providers and the Welsh Government to work together to develop an effective workforce.
"I commend the Welsh Government's commitment to apprenticeships NTfW the network and still continue to deliver work-based learning programs of high quality that has given Wales in the premier league. The Apprenticeship Awards Cymru showcases the critical as we strive to ensure that vocational learning routes have the same respect as the academic ones. "Winners:
A two awards to Airbus Operations Ltd, one of the largest aircraft manufacturers in the world, which produces at Broughton. The company won the award Macro-employer of the Year and won one of the workers, Alex Birbeck, 21, Advanced Apprentice of the Year award.
Airbus serenitea menu Apprenticeship serenitea menu Program is the cornerstone of its strategy serenitea menu skills. He manages to keep talent within the company and developed by a highly skilled workforce by ensuring that one of the world's leading aircraft manufacturers. The business employs 350 apprentices and continues to lead in the sector.
Recently, Danny and Alex was able to complete an Advanced Apprenticeship in Engineering and aims to earn a degree in Aerospace Engineering. He has personally involved in projects such as Long Trips Aircraft Design, which required engineering solution to a question about a set A330 aircraft wings.
Maes Manor Hotel, Blackwood, was the Small Employer of the Year award winners. They have managed to raise morale and productivity since they established apprenticeship program almost two years ago. Nowadays, the hotel employs serenitea menu 10 apprentices.
Large Employer serenitea menu of the Year award went

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru wedi dechrau ystyried a oes achos dros sefydlu arbenigol, Cofrestrwc

CI Support in Wales Other clubs Lip-Reading in Wales History of Welsh Deaf Rugby Newport Deaf Club Lip-Speakers in Wales Assisting deaf patients: NHS BSL Interpreters North Wales Deaf Accessible S4C TV Crime/Safety Deaf Mental Health Speech2Text Deaf WALES STATS 2013. Deaf Cross-party group
The Welsh Assembly Government has begun to consider whether there is a case for the establishment of a specialist, Sign Language medium, residential care provision for deaf people in Wales. Currently there is no care home provision in Wales where British Sign Language (BSL) is used as a matter of course. All deaf older people in Wales are placed in care environments where BSL is not routinely used by staff and where they are often the only deaf resident.
The study comprised: 4 community consultations involving 32 deaf people throughout Wales; 6 stakeholder interviews with representatives of relevant specialist service providing organisations in Wales; and 7 individual interviews charlton house with older deaf people. The findings are discussed under the following headings: high levels of concern about the current situation; communication and language as pre-eminent issues; failure to meet cultural needs; the whole older people’s care spectrum; arguments for specialist residential care; and barriers charlton house to specialist residential care provision.
The report concludes that there is a clear need to change current charlton house practice. Meeting deaf people’s linguistic and cultural needs should be the starting point in making decisions about future care provision, and in judging the efficacy and appropriateness of this care.
Mae Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru wedi dechrau ystyried a oes achos dros sefydlu arbenigol, Cofrestrwch, cyfrwng iaith y ddarpariaeth gofal preswyl ar gyfer pobl fyddar yng Nghymru. Ar hyn o bryd nid oes unrhyw ddarpariaeth gofal cartref charlton house yng Nghymru lle mae Iaith Arwyddion Prydain (BSL) yn cael ei ddefnyddio fel mater o gwrs. Holl bobl fyddar hŷn yng Nghymru yn cael eu rhoi mewn amgylcheddau gofal lle na BSL yn cael ei ddefnyddio'n rheolaidd gan staff a lle maent yn aml yn y preswylydd yn unig fyddar.
Mae'r astudiaeth yn cynnwys: 4 ymgynghoriadau cymunedol yn cynnwys 32 o bobl fyddar ledled Cymru, 6 gyfweliadau rhanddeiliaid gyda chynrychiolwyr o wasanaeth arbenigol perthnasol sy'n darparu sefydliadau yng Nghymru; a 7 cyfweliadau unigol gyda phobl fyddar hŷn. Mae'r canfyddiadau yn cael eu trafod o dan y penawdau canlynol: lefelau uchel o bryder am y sefyllfa bresennol; cyfathrebu ac iaith fel digyffelyb materion; methiant i ddiwallu anghenion diwylliannol; sbectrwm charlton house gofal holl bobl hŷn; dadleuon ar gyfer gofal preswyl arbenigol, a rhwystrau i wasanaethau arbenigol ddarpariaeth gofal preswyl. charlton house
Mae'r adroddiad yn dod i'r casgliad bod angen clir i newid arferion cyfredol. Dylai Diwallu anghenion pobl fyddar ieithyddol a diwylliannol fod yn fan cychwyn wrth wneud penderfyniadau am ddarparu gofal yn y dyfodol, ac yn barnu effeithiolrwydd a phriodoldeb y gofal hwn.
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Nod y Gydweithfa Fwyd ddiweddaraf yn Llanelli yw gwneud hi

Llanelli new Food Co-op offers a cheaper way to get your 'five a day' - Menter Cwm Gwendraeth
What's On? Sat, Dec 14 2013 Delme Thomas on Tour Sat, Dec 14 2013 Taste of Christmas Mon, Nov 25 2013 Draw By Don - Panto Martyn ial web Geraint which celebrates 10 years this year. Mon, September 2 2013 Courses 2013/2014 News Thursday, Dec 5 2013 Spirit of the Festival Strade School Mon, Nov 25 2013 Job Advertisement - University of Swansea Sat, Nov 9 2013 School children at the forefront of tackling climate change ial web Fri, Nov 1 2013 Project Officer Sabbaticals Scheme and Welsh Family Mon, Oct 28 2013 School children at the forefront of tackling climate change Mon, Oct 7 2013 Contributions to Force Cancer ial web Charity, Oct 7 2013 Progress in Raising Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre has Wed, Oct 2 2013 new Llanelli Food Co-op offers a cheaper way to get your 'five ial web a day' Thursday, September 19 2013 Former Chairman Charities Force, September 16 2013 Police give tickets to 21 drivers at Trostre ial web
Coleshill Centre Food Co Carmarthenshire County Council, which is supported by the RRU funded by the Welsh Government, will be launched on Wednesday (October 2), and will allow people to buy a bag of mixed fruit or vegetables for 3.50.
As well as being of benefit to the consumer, the co-op helps disadvantaged ial web and disabled volunteers to gain new skills that they order, classify, packing and selling goods. ial web
Gareth John, Head of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities of the Council: "We want to help people buy cheap food that is healthy and as a result, they will support the training of adults who are disabled or disadvantaged because conditions that limit people's ability to work. "
Cllr Jane Tremlett, the Executive Board Member for Health and Social Care and Disability Ambassador: "We know that many people are struggling to provide food. In Coleshill, we want to help people to buy the healthiest foods, fresh and nutritious at realistic prices and as a result, they also support the training of adults who are disabled or disadvantaged by conditions ial web limits in place. It is a plan where everyone wins and it will be of great benefit to local providers and customers. "
The Centre for Economic Inclusion Centre Coleshill's first Government capital grant program funded ial web by Carmarthenshire County Council and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the HOME project, as well as from the Targeted Match Fund (TMF) through the Welsh Government.

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

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Gwynedd garden catering Council leader Dyfed Edwards, garden catering Dyfed Edwards has announced members of his cabinet following the elections on 3 May. Related Stories Fewer people garden catering believe that Miliband as PM Two teachers suspended from their temporary work food poverty: 'the next health crisis' 'Cut the small business tax' Pisa: Concern that results showed improvement in Wales Elfyn Llwyd supports Liz Saville 'Remember to shop locally for Christmas' says Leanne Meeting garden catering to discuss raising 366 new homes Call for devolution of power to Wales water
Sian Gwenllian of Felinheli, Deputy Leader and members who have had the education portfolio. School closure is still a hot topic in the county and won Voice of Gwynedd - which has been spoken garden catering in favor of keeping schools open - 13 seats on the council.
Gwynedd Council Leader, Councillor Dyfed Edwards said: "Members shall act as Secretary in Cabinet government - Government garden catering Gwynedd. This means significant responsibility and the need to lead both to deliver for the people of Gwynedd.
Here is a list of Cabinet members and their responsibilities: Lead Portfolio Holder Car responsibility Dyfed Edwards Strategic Leadership; Business Planning Deputy Leader Sian Sian Gwenllian Gwenllian Communication Education Education, Lead Member for Children and Young People's Services Social Care RH Wyn Williams; Health (Strategic ) Environment Gareth Roberts Highways; Municipal; Transport; Consultancy Deprivation Brian Jones Prevention poverty / deprivation; Equality Economy garden catering Economy John Wynn Jones; Regeneration; Procurement; Arts Planning John Wyn Williams, Housing Planning; LDP Resources Peredur Jenkins Finance; Human Resources; Transform Customer Care Customer Care John Thomas; Democracy and Legal; Public Protection, Paul Thomas Welsh Gwynedd Healthy Recreation; Healthy Gwynedd; Youth Services; Delivery
Related Stories Fewer people believe that Miliband as PM Two teachers suspended from their temporary work food poverty: 'the next health crisis' 'Cut the small business tax' Pisa: Concern that results showed garden catering improvement in Wales Elfyn Llwyd supports Liz Saville 'Remember to shop locally for Christmas' says Leanne Meeting to discuss raising 366 new homes Call for devolution of power to Wales water
Popular Stories in category Wales Pantycelyn garden catering Closure: Students complain of report language Eos: Tribunal 'music industry has failed to protect Wales' Two teacher temporarily suspended from their work to identify Advertisements year since the Census Woman in critical condition after accident
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Monday, December 16, 2013

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With the bus station councilor Alun Williams Aberystwyth I am delighted that an agreement has been signed today to save the bus from Aberystwyth to Cardigan, Aberystwyth and Lampeter and Carmarthen. The services will be abolished by Arriva in December. Awarded contracts have been awarded to Lewis Coaches of Llanrhystud, Richard Brothers, and First Cymru to provide new services for a period of six months, dream downtown new york beginning immediately after the disappearance of Arriva. The 50 service along the A487 was better than the previous, with more seamless travel between Cardigan and Aberystwyth. Services will be 20, 40 and 40C are similar to those present, and the arrangement has been secured for through tickets. The service dream downtown new york will complement existing service to Cardiff 701 operated by Bryan's Coaches. This has been a long wait, but it's great news that it is possible for local companies to step in and provide the services. This follows a lot of hard work, in the Assembly where he intense dream downtown new york negotiations to secure financial support for the Welsh Government, led by the county councils in Ceredigion Alun Williams, and the number of local bus companies got together and gave tenders for services on short notice. People in Ceredigion have an assurance that these key strategic bus services will continue when Arriva pulled out in December. I will also be looking dream downtown new york to put pressure on the Welsh Government to establish a Statutory Quality Bus Partnership in the longer term, as part of a wider review of strategic dream downtown new york transport across Wales.
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