Press Release World's First Labour Day "Mei A" in our country hill street cafe is usually considered to be a public holiday to have fun and just relax. Many people, especially young people, do not understand the significance of that day began 125 years ago in May 1, 1886, in which workers in Chicago, the United States held a massive strike to defend the work 8 hours a day. Finally, under the constant struggle of workers in the United States and around the world, in many capitalist countries to accede to the demands of time working 8 hours a day. Many young people in our country may not know that the World Labour Day "Mei A" is only recognized by the Malaysian government in 1972, which was later declared as a holiday in 1979. This was achieved on the struggle of trade unions (especially the union of the left) and the Labour Party. Therefore, the World Labour Day "Mei A" will be a day that symbolizes the spirit of the working class struggle for the rights and welfare hill street cafe of workers. In order to raise public awareness about the true meaning hill street cafe and origins of Labour Day World "Mei One", as well as attract caring and creating public discussion on the situation of the working class or the most oppressed in our country, four non-governmental organizations in the state of Johor, the Friendship ROAD, Suppressed People's Network (Shout) Johor, LLG Cultural Development Centre (Johor Bahru Relations Committee) and the Working Committee Johor SUARAM hill street cafe companions decided to hold the World Workers Day program "Mei A" 2011 Foon Yew High School on May 1, 2011. A joint committee has been established to carry out the tasks of preparation. After some discussion, the meeting on 10 April 2011 after the committee had decided "Employee Multiple Races Around the Country, United From Schism" as the theme of the program. Activities on the day was divided into two, talks and performances from 2pm to 5pm and a buffet from 5 to 6 pm. Anyone interested in joining the World Labour Day "Mei A" can buy coupons for RM10 a piece. Joint Committee welcomes the multi-ethnic employees to participate in these activities. Anyone interested may contact Ms. Fang Pei Fen (016-778 2707), Mr. Yen (019-755 0960), Ms Yong (012-690 9506) or Mr. Mohan (017-754 0597), or come to the office Working Companions SUARAM Johor (8A, Jalan ronggeng 11, Taman Skudai Baru, Skudai 81300) for more information or to purchase coupons. Secretary of the Joint Committee hill street cafe on Non-Governmental 4 17 April 2011
Change of blog address and e-mail Peace, Friends People Working Committee will use the e-mail address and website address (Blog) the following new beginning January 1, 2014: Email: @ Blog: http:/ / Thank you and Happy New Year! *********************************************
Change of blog and email addresses Please be informed that's hill street cafe Companions People Working hill street cafe Committee will be Using the new email and blog addresses below commencing January 1, 2014: Email: @ Blog: Wishing you a progressive new year!
把 国 阵 抛弃 到 历史 的 垃圾堆 中 去!作为活跃于柔佛州的为民主人权和民族尊严而奋斗的两个组织 柔佛州人民之友工委会与柔州兴权会 HINDRAF JOHORE 针对第13届大选 在去年底联合发表了一篇主题为 打破巫统霸权 建立民主联合阵线 团结全州人民 实现三大迫切诉求 的 告柔佛州人民书 我们毫不犹疑 hill street cafe 也毫不含糊主张 把国阵抛弃到历史的垃圾堆中去 我们在去年底的几个大规模群众集会期间 将 告柔佛州人民书 的四种语文 巫 华 印 英 传单派发给群众 我们也想要到各地去分发这份传单又力所不逮 特在此提供四种语文的PDF版本 以便各方热心人士下载 印制成传单 分发给需要阅读它而又不懂上网的亲戚朋友和各界人士 帮助我们把传单传得更广 ......
人民 之 歌 下载 链接: 人民 之 歌 (合唱 与 钢琴 伴奏) 人民 之 歌 (钢琴 伴奏) "把 我 的 独 中 还给 我" 下载 链接: 把 我 的 独 中 还给 我 (伴奏) MP3 下载 链接 把我 的 独 中 还给 我 (方佩芬 独唱) MP3 下载 链接 "把 国 阵 抛到 垃圾堆 里" 下载 链接: "Throw BN Trash Into History" "把 国 阵 抛到 垃圾堆 里"
Scorpene Submarine Scandal - MALAYSIAN THE GREAT ROBBERY 3 MAY 2012 SUARAM PRESS RELEASE The SUARAM delegation comprising Kua Kia Soong ...
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