Friday, May 29, 2015

Why do you need a break? It is necessary to rest, because perhaps it would be nice. Etteruttavalt w

Why do you need a break? It is necessary to rest, because perhaps it would be nice. Etteruttavalt wish you a pleasant mid-summer, happiness and good luck in finding menu cafe this flower-bearing friends. Jun 21. It is already known that nobody likes to hear how well you're going. Attempting to post negative today. Currently, I'm sitting in the car, and drive the lap läpakas miami airport is currently down. A long stretch of traffic and apparently preparing to perform any blank made from the film. Oh, I forgot to mention that the city already leaving from and going on to the Caribbean. Yesterday afternoon we arrived menu cafe at the beach. We played with the sand and stared adruga glances obscured menu cafe by sunglasses behind the eyeball napis dressed girls, who are lying around on the sand like corpses on the battlefield. They will not be resented menu cafe because they did not notice. Thank sunglasses. menu cafe Sunglasses are nice because they are trendy. If sulistamisest got fed up and the ears, the eyes, the mouth was full of sand, we went to the hotel to meet the coke-cup. To me it was a single operation that night, as I was able to drink themselves to a pair rüüpest lauajalaks (empty stomach, and fatigue after the long journey). Damn, it was therefore also snapped pictures of my dinner menu cafe Looking back, relatively short. We went to eat "Jerry`s famous deli-ing" tone of the name, because if you come across a Miami beach-ile, you do not there on this site sattuge. Or, if you still encounter, at least Do not be thick ugly old Hispanic waitress table (this is on top of their kitli gravy stain). Our waited menu cafe for their roast 1h 43 min. Began to seem to me that it collects on our behalf tables menu cafe needed for other residues derived from the money together after leaving. Or was he just in a hurry. Next, the road led us to the "Mangosse" It could definitely menu cafe get into. Well chill place and the waitresses are beautiful and wonderful väääääga. Unfortunately, I was kinda bena soon run out and walked quite early (before two) home to sleep. As a result I was able to feel the beat and the beach at sunrise time to go pop. Snap-6 to 10. Pop is one of my favorite menu cafe activities. When you click click click .... Thus the soothing ... Quietly, we have begun to arrive in the Florida Keys-ing. We did a photo shoot swift track behind the bridge. The same bridge was allowed to film "True Lies" solemn shots into the air. (Digitally) Upon arrival, we put the omens sukeldumiskursustele letter, and I dd-ing the cp (copy paste) this story, which is currently in the knee at the end of a word-toksin. I add a lot of pictures in the coming days. busy times, as usual. It is now easy to forget these holiday memories already begun. Some of these elements will try to point out, however, remained at the late evening hour be printed quickly, before even they are forgotten ... Hehee. Ok, I was talking about half way to Key West. The attentive reader knows that I have been there before,. But this time we had the mission. I wanted menu cafe my first offshore diving to be done, and it is the same as the Eastern Europeans to an island full of fun, it seemed very well suited to achieving the objective. The course ran great fanfare arriving in the bar, and I was able to celebrate a successful menu cafe journey itself again lauajalaks drink. This time it was much worse than in Miami. After three coke consumption came and made a short circuit of the brain restart. Figuratively, he saw the thing, so that I was at the bar counter itself first koolaga rum or vodka red bull's ordering and drove constructive menu cafe talk with one Slovak girl. After the juice you drink wine or beer to whiskey drove polite talk and tuikusin Slovak girl. After the third cocktail, which could be easily teqila, spoke to the girl in my arms, and I looked at myself facing an intoxicated just the tip: D But if baariletist to hold your hand I had to use in order not to fall over, I decided to secretly sneak out to go to the normal way to end your condition. Ran away from the beach and arrived to a park bench tšsšs away. A few hours later, woke up, I found myself to be still under the influence, but does not bother to sleep well anymore. Stole touch of a bicycle and a half hours väntasin white foam from the mouth of the casting ring. In that time, I passed about 10 meters and fell countless times. At least I got sober more. Finally, I decided to ride cock with abandon, and a street corner in the room, however, go on foot. .
In the spring of 2005 U-stay hotel was born in the Word document "messengers Diary" has become a fun reminder enshrined worked there thundering RESPA stuff. Since most of us are big U-ie and the progress made along without spreading out, then bring it to a forthcoming book continuity comfortable environment over the Internet. We keep each other informed about life in the old style, and we hope that the so-called post-offering still more laughter and fun to read, or at least equally mixed so far. Be nice.
2008 (3) September (1) August (1) February (1) 2007 (30) December (1) September (1) August (1) June (5), victorious in Victory menu cafe Day! Vacationing PP 4

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