Monday, March 31, 2014

It is not a no competition, although the prizes are awarded, or indeed film processing images of th

Blog T. Spencer
In Bratislava, the day before the nineteenth anniversary of the Velvet Revolution ended the ninth annual film festival One World. But to say about this event, it is a film festival, the simplification bordering the half-truth. wedding catering
It is not a no competition, although the prizes are awarded, or indeed film processing images of themselves but of their contents. One world can actually be called a tour testimonies about everything that is happening in our world and what the western mainstream media as well as politicians stubbornly silent or professional sweep it under the rug. Organizer is traditionally Civil People in Peril, which deals with helping people who suffer the consequences of natural disasters, military conflicts wedding catering and authoritarian regimes. In the case of this film inspection, however earnest may be said to help the people in Slovakia suffering from acute lack of information, connections and social discourse. For this they deserve thanks and respect, as well as for being prago not left-or bratislavocentristickí, but screening will be until April next year take place in other towns in Slovakia. wedding catering
The show is divided into eight sections containing more than seventy films and the accompanying events included several interesting discussions, exhibitions of photographs and cartoons. It was not possible, and given the theme or healthy attend four days a representative cross-section of the entire happenings, but I invite you to journey at least I've mastered - divided by sections.
Congo: Deep Silence (The Greatest Silence: Rape in the Congo, Lisa F. Jackson/USA/2007/77 '). Audience wedding catering Award awarded this film for me was a big surprise. American filmmaker wedding catering tells his first-person story when she went to the Democratic Republic of Congo investigate the fate of tens of thousands of women raped. It also speaks well of the grounds and the wider context of the phenomenon of sexual violence as a weapon. Despite the slightly mawkish narrative and dancing on the edge of voyeurism and tabloid bloodlust is an extremely powerful and important statement, which is, however, in view of the displays difficult to accept suffering. Also, our inaction promotes the commission of further violence, torture and mutilation of Congolese girls and women (rape and subsequent damage to the genital organs is happening in the age group of five to eighty years).
If I had the previous wedding catering slide, less formally objected to the essential statements on the situation in the Congo and in the case of this film relying on the support of famous Hollywood actors George Clooney and Don Chaedlea I must unfortunately conclude that humanitarian disaster and de facto genocide in Darfur Hollywood has become a victim of bad taste. I can not judge how many ordinary Americans (which the film was primarily intended) provoke just such processing to action, but in me left an unpleasant aftertaste.
The famous Dutch director presents the lives of six girls and young women that were concluded wedding catering before the world and used to communicate by computer. They have very different reasons, but the virtual environment they find at least for now answers and solutions to their problems. Seemingly attractive and hot topic in spite of production presents optics as ten years ago, when the Internet began to spread among the mass of ordinary people. In good social networking and transfer social environment online chatting truly "out".
Among the spectators in Bratislava screenings sparked wedding catering arguably the greatest acclaim British wedding catering film Black Gold (Black Gold, Nick Francis, Marc Francis/UK/2006/75 ') by way of the Ethiopian coffee plantations to the designer cups of rich gourmet.
I could not watch this documentary Sailing c'Yang Jiang (Up the Yangtze, Yung Chang/Kanada/2007/93 ') a megalomaniac Three Gorges Dam project, linking the destinies of many people from two million forcibly displaced and uprooted over huge project staff to crowds of Western tourists, who said every year is increasing. Outside remarkable insights behind the scenes of contemporary Chinese propaganda film nest is also the promise of aesthetic pleasure thanks to the person cinematographer Wang Shi Qing.
Two levels testimony on Putin Russia meet in scary images of nationalism and militarism, in which human rights or freedom mean nothing. On the bottom level, make sure novozbohatlík suffering Messianism in his lodge is raising the slogan "God in heaven, on earth czar" wedding catering of the existence of various bankrupt along with children of high government and military officials. The second view represents his longtime friend and Deputy Speaker, who sells weapons and Russia is building the world's superpower status.
In the context of this film was a discussion of John Čarnogurský and Andrej Bán called Russia-Georgia conflict: Begin the Cold era? It is this debate that eventually fell to the verbal combat, is perhaps the best answer to the questions raised. While the former politician and eighties only medzinár

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