Sunday, August 31, 2014

For about 2 months ago, a close friend of my girlfriend dekorasi and me - Sentenced in District Cou

Well, not justice by members of a sewing circle under the guidance of someone more or less often scribe chairman. Over several months, we have been able to read Mary Abraham's leadership dekorasi stick in SvD just on the court.
As you noticed Appeals Court judges often contrary to the district court. The explanation is that the district court judge at random both right and wrong. It just happens dekorasi to be so! Is not it marvelous to be able to call himself a juror, but it must be unpleasant to get rejected time and time again and know for themselves that they punished the innocent on a conveyor belt.
The worst, however, for the people the district court judge. The judgment is a public document, and many are the innocent as the months and years been pilloried in the media because of the sewing circle until they talked.
This entry was posted on Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 6:10 pm and is filed under General, dekorasi Domestic Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Post navigation Previous Post Next Post
They can hardly law at all. If criminal, I can not, but in ordinary civil law take the opinions dekorasi from experts. (Eg construction & environment) without checking whether they are biased in that case. Then follow the on line. It can be as crazy as anything, dekorasi which I have just seen evidence.
This topic has got me banned dekorasi on Flashback / manna mentioned thread, and then I have still been meeting personally with rows of inbalndade in the discussed case. But this thread contains everything from the hacked email boxes to coffee room lists of interest to different targets for jurors, and for alldel part Olle Liljegren, Pirate dekorasi Bay and Trond Sefastsson.
Excuse my curiosity dekorasi (or you term it might curiosity) but I still have to ask something. Feeding you up to participate in a lot of threads in various different forums? I suppose so, for how else can you have time for this?
So. Are you the Mickey turbot artist. . ... . . . . ... . . . . .
Carl Norberg dekorasi - do not know why Alexander joined this joking - he is wiser than all of us here. Good with kids of that age, our youngest is 43 years old and it's a bygone era - just memories.
The district court is - as everyone knows - a first section that we encountered when someone committed a crime. The coarser the crimes were handled by the Court of Appeal directly with the possibility that these judgments dekorasi is finally decided - on appeal - the Supreme Court. dekorasi (As now) there are a plethora of minor offenses dekorasi and they can be safely handled by the district court. The district court is required there is no doubt!
Did steward system in our district courts is a relic from the days when they aspired to the accused should be tried by people who knew and lived in the same environment, felt the community surrounding the crime and perhaps even have a personal knowledge of witnesses and evidence. This good proximity thought disappeared more and more with the centralization of the courts dekorasi and the politicization dekorasi of the appointments mentioned manna. dekorasi Instead of the wise and experienced citizen from the local environment became Juror a superannuated politician or one that won the contract for long and faithful party service after being found incompetent to heavy municipal duties. Centralisation also meant that proximity tank completely disappeared. An old, good principle; that you would be judged by your peers and neighbors have schabblats away and the system really needs to be reformed!
Helena Palena writes:
They'm also sleeping in the district court. Tougher bid in the Court of Appeal, I understand. For there it's just a bunch of lawyers who judge. That is why there can be such a difference in judgments. But do they sleep in the parliament also in between - but they have the salary anyway ...
Helena Palena - go in and Googling the "District Court" so you know a little bit what they actually do and handles really well too. Where they sleep not more than we do any other.:-) Here during my time had myclket contact with district courts and they fulfill an important function in our society, in addition to that they also judge people who have committed crimes. That there are "we ordinary" included in their staff composition has its checkered and striped reasons, which I can not now go into more detail.
For about 2 months ago, a close friend of my girlfriend dekorasi and me - Sentenced in District Court to prison for 4.5 years for a crime he never committed - or that I'm personally not even in my wildest dreams could imagine that he would have the capacity to perform - and / or find some gain / pleasure in doing.
Approximately five weeks later, it became a completely acquitted in the Court of Appeal = all members of the Court of Appeal came to the conclusion - that beyond a reasonable dekorasi doubt was established - that the accused had been innocently convicted in the District Court to 4.5 years in prison - for a crime he had never committed - thankfully:!:
The Courts of Appeal

What happened in 2011 was that the party rallied behind Annie Loof, who was elected with a very str

The discussion that idéprogrammet thrown in the Centre wedding caterers Party in should have come earlier. wedding caterers When the crisis is now a fact Annie Loof in a difficult dilemma. wedding caterers It writes political scientists Malena Rosén Sundström and Mikael Sundström, who has researched the Centre Party. wedding caterers
Europe's richest party would surely readily been able to afford a full-blooded voter survey to give a more informed answer. Malena Rosén Sundström and Mikael Sundström Centre Party's proposal for a new program of ideas, which was unveiled just before Christmas, has aroused strong reactions both within and outside wedding caterers the party. Several concretized ideas, which allow polygamy and free immigration, abolishing school attendance and flatten tax rates proved easy to parody as neoliberal castles in the air.
Media interest quickly became big. Were these proposals then the Centre's new policy? Was it already shot injured party on the verge of splitting into various factions? Was Annie Loof, who confirmed neoliberal, threatened as party leader when even central characters openly criticized the proposal? Does she even resign? The Long Ships describes a spokesman story of his proteges to much of it was true, but most of it still wrong. The same applies lot of media drama around idéprogrammet.
Program Group president Per Ankersjö have patiently tried to inculcate the controversial letters are not supposed to turn into sharp policy proposals in the short term but provide examples of remote and ideologically-based benchmarks. In election after election, the Party of the voters identified with ... nothing special. Annie Lööf central promise was that the Centre Party would be much clearer, and the program group has apparently also had this as a motto. But to make things clear course does not automatically mean that everyone likes what they see.
Although the longest drawn libertarian ideas may seem difficult to digest even for many liberals, really wedding caterers should not idéprogrammets direction amaze. Indeed, it has happened a lot with the Centre Party since the last idéprogrammet adopted in 2001, in connection with Maud Olofsson was elected party leader. Olofsson started a political movement of the party which was further confirmed during Annie Lööf rorsmannaskap. Loof defend themselves against being called neo-liberal, but her often marked ideals before she was intended as party leader stressed the undeniable freedom of the individual in a way that most neo-liberals would applaud.
What is perhaps most surprising is that the idea itself that shakes The Center wedding caterers currently does not already took place before the election of new party leader 2011th It was not a well kept secret that Annie Loof were followers of the basic principles that have guided the Working Group, and that her challenger Anders W Jonsson and Anna-Karin Hatt stood for a more social liberal stance. Although it appeared the ideological differences between the candidates wedding caterers surprisingly rarely in connection with the party leader election.
What happened in 2011 was that the party rallied behind Annie Loof, who was elected with a very strong mandate to change the Party. Given how she was chosen, and the premises, she was chosen, so it is not surprising if the program group felt that although it had a strong mandate to deliver a pointed draft program of ideas. Ankersjös group waited certainly attention from many quarters, but it probably was not as prepared for the internal party criticism scale.
Annie Loof is at this stage not threatened as party leader, but the working group's misjudgment of how the proposal would land in the party spills over on her because most people wedding caterers realize that she shares the guiding ideals. That she now hastily interrupt his holiday to control wedding caterers the situation shows that she realized that attempts to distance themselves from the group's work has not been convincing.
Back home Loof is now facing a difficult dilemma. How she chooses to act so she learns suffer criticism. If she does not listen enough to the criticism of the proposal (part of the most radical ideas she has already distanced itself from) so she will be criticized for it. But if she on the other hand, argues for an overly sugared end product so she will be prepared as a weak leader who is afraid to stand up for the clear principles she initially made himself the spokesperson for.
Annie Loof led the internal investigation board after the 2010 election when they would find out how the party should be able to get more voters asked in the first instance existing centrists. This means, of course, a selection problem when you want to attract those who have not voted for the party, and the richest party would surely readily been able to afford a full-blooded voter survey to give a more informed answer. One party service with responsibility for matters of opinion has been withdrawn. The program group appear to have retained a particularly effective devil's advocate.
Without consciously organized ways to gather and consider the varied and sometimes even critical voices become conduits wedding caterers of all kinds org

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Mia Tenhult, Jönköping County, Sweden Christian Democratic councilor. Married, mother of three and

Yet another social democrat graced a small "medal" for long and faithful party service. Last in the line of all socialists to get a little "medal" corporate catering of the Prime Minister is the governor of California, Lars Engqvist, who will become the new chairman of SVT. Maybe it's a small thank you for the help that he winced in as deputy prime minister when Persson operated his evil hip. What do I know? It seems like it to be a social democrat as Chairman of governmental enterprises. The representative of the presidency of SVT is also unsurprising Social Democrat and listens to the name Allan Larsson. Recall any of his outstanding contribution as Finance Minister? Depends the numerous S-labeled corporate catering chairman trout at the book party or social corporate catering democrats is more competent than everyone else? Makes you wonder sometimes because it refers to the great expertise in the appointments. No, there is probably no one who doubts that it is the party that decides the book. Persson is clear that he has trouble distinguishing between the state and the party. Unable to interpret the Social Democratic nomination politics by other means. And to once again elect a social democrat by the criticism that has been the appointment procedure shows on Persson's corporate catering authoritarianism. It's almost a little embarrassing. A change in appointment policy will not happen until the Socialists forced into opposition. And the day does not seem too far away if you believe corporate catering the trends in the latest opinion polls.
Mia Tenhult, Jönköping County, Sweden Christian Democratic councilor. Married, mother of three and who love IFK Norrköping and Italy. Follow me on Facebook: or on Twitter: Follow corporate catering our Italian dream: View my complete profile
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Friday, August 29, 2014

It bears funderas why most are moderates who revealed that

It bears funderas why most are moderates who revealed that "hustler" or "cheaters" in government circles. Of course, political opponents gottat himself in this, I'm no exception. catering logo Other parties in the government seems to have come quite lightly. Why one may ask himself? As I see it there are several catering logo possible reasons. But one of the most important would be the Moderate size. They have a wider selection of ministers and senior political officials than the other government parties. To get a high post in any of the small parties are generally required extremely faithful party service for many years, it does not apply to all those employed by the Conservatives. But for example, Eskil Erlandsson and Mats Odell has worked with both of politics full time since the seventies. Same thing with Göran Hägglund, with the exception of a few years in the late eighties. Leijonborg has something exceptional in his entire adult life working for the Liberal Party. Cecilia Malmström has long been a highly oppsatt catering logo name within the same batch. To name just a few. Those who have been politically active for many years generally lack excessive skeletons in the closet, even if there are exceptions. The rest can be a bit so-so with. I know a whole bunch of people who still sloppy or careless with TV license, and have done it myself, but none of the ones I intend catering logo to think I've had a mind to vote for the Conservatives. I know people who work or have worked black, but for the sake of been great supporters of the Conservatives or a lågskattesamhälle. I actually feel no one, except perhaps paying's members, who think it's cool to pay taxes. In contrast, so many do it anyway. I know many people who occasionally or even quite often drove too fast, but that for the sake of the evil people. So I think part of the drive against "hustler" and "cheaters" in government circles is a bit unfair, and that the debate catering logo may need to be qualified. While there are moderates in a long span out to the right and half "anarchist" neo-liberal circles where certain offenses are considered to be all right. That one is above the law (DN). It is the other side. Cecilia Stegö-Chilo, Per Schlingmann and Tobias Billstrà m have any ideological reasons thought it was right to ignore catering logo the pay TV license. And some who by no means had financial problems have neglected to pay taxes, which of course is completely reprehensible. Kikar man measurements Sören Holmberg and other political scientists have done Moderates have always been much more to the right than their Danish and Norwegian siblings parties (which oxå at least until now rendered impossible a viable party to the right of the Conservatives - but that's another story). Therefore, I partially feel like Tomas and like to call "anarkomoderaterna" daring to stand because they consider it okay to break the laws they do not like. To stop being hypocritical. That they had electoral success in dissatisfaction with social democratic catering logo power of goodness is that virtually cheat in this context! :) But to claim that only conservatives do not care about the TV license or employ illegal workers, that's not true. Peeking around you and you will see it. The question and the debate needs to be qualified! It becomes a problem when setting the soaring demands on politicians and simultaneously believe that politicians do not live like normal people. It is as well not always together. At the same time, I mean that politicians should practice what they preach and stand for what you have done. But sometimes demands on politicians equation self-contradictory and somewhat impossible. The Green Party used by the way during the first years of the eighties recognize catering logo the leaders are declarations open at press conferences. Need I say that no one came? Though it might Birger or someone else can tell you more about another time?
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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Latest comments There has always been well ... Best comment in the town, ... Rinkeby bakery should

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Else-Marie Lindgren (Kd) confirms my lasting impression of the Parliament House, the MPs sitting there for long and faithful service party, a reward, not to seriously work for Sweden (AB, DN, D). She suggests that the prime minister will bless Sweden, which just shows (1) that she was a Member of Parliament do not wear out directly, (2) that the MPs are redundant and not least, (3) that they are overpaid. In other words, not only directors in the business world to think about lowering their wages in bad times, but also politicians.
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Latest comments There has always been well ... Best comment in the town, ... Rinkeby bakery should finger food you ... Ah, but where does look ... Christmas is hypocrisy ... Krille: Absolutely true. But ... a government with FP and MP ... but s mp o fp becomes the ... Sugar drug (Video 9 ... Until the less sleep! ...
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On it is possible to comment on certain compassweb articles. However, we will remove

After the Social Democrats katastrofval, when the party reached its worst result since 1914, the foundation was laid for another crisis commission. A commission with a central mission, a mission based on a groping eftervalsanalys compassweb has lacked the ability to deliver anything at all. It is not particularly compassweb surprising. When the political significance is not tested, for fear of discovery compassweb of relevansens dead of natural causes, when new blood is not allowed to flow, for fear that the party with faithful compassweb service to be replaced, it will be difficult compassweb in practice to ask the most pressing questions. The only question is how could otherwise get the most urgent answers? Yesterday suddenly called Mona Sahlin, the party executive and the Executive Committee to make their seats available. This means that more people will be replaced in conjunction with additional Congress. compassweb But it also means that it is now free to require Sahlin's own departure. Earlier in the day wrote crisis Commission Ardalan compassweb Shekarabi and Joan Smith in Dagens Nyheter: "We must have a long-term perspective if we are to win elections in 2014 and the 2018, it's time to find out how Sweden actually look like in the year 2010 and if we are at all has the answers to the challenges compassweb of modern society., it is not a few weeks of the election campaign to be analyzed, but a couple of decades of political reversals. image of the party as a sluggish and conservative power elite is perhaps our worst enemy. " Meanwhile, Morgan Johansson, chairman compassweb of one of the four working compassweb groups of the Commission, in an interview that a large part of the blame should be shouldered by Thomas Östros. Johansson compassweb identified four crucial mistakes in economic policy as Östros been responsible in the negotiation of: reinstated estate tax, gasoline tax height, half tavern VAT and greatly reduced taxes for seniors. The analysis is certainly correct. But it's probably not a person's fault, or virtue, in the case of such complicated political processes. compassweb According to the political scientist smärkte Stig-Björn Ljunggren maneuvers should be considered compassweb as the beginning of a "blame game" where everyone blames everyone and no one is taking no personal responsibility at all. Another is to provide payment for old cheese, says Ljunggren. compassweb Whether the cheese is old or not is irrelevant. What is relevant is that the social democratic politics increasingly come to resemble Swiss cheese. The party's megalomania and lust for power has nurtured for a long time. Policies, visions and ideology have become secondary, compassweb power is no longer a means, but only one goal. It is a remarkable development in an era when it seems that social compassweb democracy as an idea is more broadly based than ever before. Therefore, the issues Shekarabi and Johansson brings in the DN-debate compassweb article welcome: Why inequality also increased during the Social Democracy was in power, and how can this trend be reversed? Does the tax system really designed to promote full employment? How to come to terms with an increasing number for each slump permanently compassweb placed outside the labor market? compassweb How can we reconcile the demands for equality with great freedom in welfare? /.../ And what is the vision of social democracy in the long and medium term? "The similarities between the Swedish compassweb and the European Social Democrats challenges are many. In Sweden, the negative trend of the party arrived late. But it would come as no surprise. Therefore, the party plays the protagonist's role less than an outdated policy making. Adding energy to position themselves, to find scapegoats, may seem energetic. compassweb However, if the Social Democrats are to have any chance in the next election, it is time to do homework. There is not the number of exams whatsoever.
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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

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My name is Jonas Lundgren and the Left Party. I live in HÃ sselby and works as political secretary to the Left. I'm hy vee catering also Chair of the Republican Association's Youth Young Republicans. Additional time is spent on writing including and newspaper Clarté.
Yesterday it became so clear how the Conservatives finally allocates its mission in committees. Something that was surprising was that the party decided that, despite the large election defeat, reward themselves hy vee catering with a full eight elected as Chairman or Vice Chairman of the various committees. Of these it was that three became vice chairman and the remaining five chairmanships. The distribution is a castling that may be somewhat peculiar as it may seem unmotivated. Carl-Johan Gestrup resigns as chairman of the Culture and Recreation for 12 years. The strange thing is that Gestrup replaced by Hans Barje, former chairman of the Technical Committee. This may seem strange because it sends a clear signal that a committee chairmanship is something you get after long and faithful party service, not because you've hy vee catering worked a long time in the specific tray compartments Board belongs. If you continue to amuse themselves by examining the Culture and Recreation can conclude that its vice chairman, probably after a lot of haggling, the Carl-Johan Schiller (kd), new to the city council and now also the new vice chairmen for Ku-Free . Another interesting phenomenon is the fact that for some reason decided that councils are elected for one year at a time. One guess is that this is done in order to tighten up on the number of specialist hy vee catering committees without for that matter ask someone without authority unprepared. At a guess, based on what has been in the air during the past year, apply austerity to the Culture and Recreation (Ku-Fri) will be merged with the Education Committee.
Jonas Lundgren Lidingö, Stockholm, Sweden My name is Jonas Lundgren and is a socialist and feminist. I work for the Left and lives in HÃ sselby. Right now I'm ley leader for the Left Hässelby- Vällingbyvägen. I am running for city council and county council for the Left. In addition, I am Chair of the Young Republicans and little else, including writer and editorial member of the Journal Clarté and View my complete profile
Fredrik Jönsson News at a coffeehouse Socialist and bajare Politics and poetry LOKE Culture and Politics nonaligned Sweden Jinges blog Pink Lundmark's blog Eva-Britt Svensson (v) Esbati comments ALWAYS hy vee catering RED
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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

A large number of MPs is not a guarantor of democracy, it can almost be the opposite. A lean organi

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Riksdag consists of makers 99 and 250 trained chimpanzees. It is certainly the impression I get when the Swedish party whips wines. As a trained circus animal, or Pavlovian experiment dogs, sits ...
Riksdag consists of makers 99 and 250 trained chimpanzees. It is certainly the impression I get when the Swedish party whips wines. As a trained circus animal, or Pavlovian experiment dogs, sitting members and press the buttons that prescribed them - that they are responsible to their voters weigh good light compared to the threat caterine ibargüen from above to be marginalized in the party and parliamentary work. Then key press can decide on everything from pure blueberry motions to the sale of the very foundations of our democracy seems to be unimportant.
Finland has 200 MPs, 179 Denmark and Norway have only 169 - in Sweden we consider that we need 349 pieces ... Our parliament has one member more than the Danish Parliament and the Norwegian Storting together.
The question is what we should be with them? The question is, even if it would be better for democracy to cut away a couple of hundred? Maybe it would reduce the anonymity of the big gray mass that never seem to be able to think of a single independent thought? caterine ibargüen
A seat in Parliament shall not be the plum one is rewarded with for long and faithful party service. The place in parliament will depend on the ability to obtain and maintain the trust of their voters - and by that actually shows what you think, and partly because they actually stand for their principles.
A large number of MPs is not a guarantor of democracy, it can almost be the opposite. A lean organization with well-prepared decision, clearly visible representatives and direct caterine ibargüen personal vote would make it much harder to get away with voting as the mob.
FRA has in practice acted for decades. They were tapped and recorded, kunskapat and analyzed. caterine ibargüen They used a sort of legal loophole where they did not been declared illegal because the state's spies may well have quite extensive rights. The problem is that there is a difference between private individuals, who have all rights not explicitly taken away from them, and a government that has only the rights explicitly granted them.
What FRA decision thus comes down to is to legalize the "gray" activities that are already happening - to ratify an existing reality. It is easy to then bring rationalization argument and thus reduce part of the decision.
To sanction FRAs activity, however, does more than what the MPs and the women really seem to want to realize. There is a shift of power between the state and the private citizen called to do. The decision will FRAs mission to legitimiseras - it is accepted as normal that a Swedish authority exercises interception of innocent Swedish citizens, the private set aside. All the talk about control caterine ibargüen of how it is done and what is done with the data is clean wind. A secret ceases to be a secret as soon as outsiders may find it - irrespective of how much secrecy they have.
In a free and democratic society, should it occur outcry when such a proposal sees the light of day, but except among bloggers, it is so quiet you can hear a pin drop. It clearly gives the name to the politicians as well as journalists and social commentators caterine ibargüen in general. Will they let the matter pass unnoticed? It's called a joke, and for Lex Orwell, which should give an indication of the seriousness of the matter.
Therefore, caterine ibargüen it is very worrying that our parliament consists of scant century makers and a whole bunch of trained chimps. But chimps will thrive well when Sweden turned into a banana republic ...
[...] More who writes on the subject: Rick Falkvinge, blueberry jam, Witch Bitch, In my Bumblebee, josh again, Lakes laconic, Erik Hultin, caterine ibargüen Tales from the lifeboat, a dream and a lot of other things, Blog Magazine, Alliance little red, Basic Personal , the other side, the other side again, .Kaliber and blog Bent. [...]
[...] You can read more about why the FRA law is a very bad idea at the following locations: Old Media: Smålandsposten, Kvällsposten blogs today and past Henrik Alexandersson, Oscar Swartz, Rick Falkvinge (PP), Magnus Andersson (c ), Tales From The lifeboat [...]
[...] More who writes on the subject: Rick Falkvinge, blueberry jam, Witch Bitch, In my Bumblebee, josh again, Lakes laconic, Erik Hultin, Tales from the lifeboat, a dream and a lot of other things, Blog Magazine, Alliance little red, Basic Personal , the other side, the other side again, .Kaliber caterine ibargüen and blog Bent. [...]
[...] You can read more o

Risikko, who was the last to announce his candidacy, may find themselves in playing a supporting ro

Risikko, who was the last to announce his candidacy, may find themselves in playing a supporting role in the drama. Jan Vapaavuori is widely considered the most popular among party members, while Alexander Stubb is the people's clear favorite. Risikko, which lacks the luster that politicians of the two other candidates how to start a catering business possess, is likely to have been persuaded to stand as a "quota woman". As Hbl's Marianne Lydén puts it, "a chairman struggle without women candidates would surely not have been looking how to start a catering business good." Lydéns heading "Social Aunt, cockerel why" is perhaps how to start a catering business slightly disgusting, but unfortunately also the right apt.
Which of the cockerel are will to emerge how to start a catering business the victor? Vapaavuori popularity among the party people, making him perhaps the favorite. It is after all the party people who appoints the party chairman. How congress delegates reason how to start a catering business and the directives they receive from districts is difficult tipped. Three aspects make me however to bet my money on the victory of Stubb.
Secondly, I believe that the delegates will evaluate Stubbs how to start a catering business folk popularity how to start a catering business higher than his lack of national political experience. I do not think Vapaavuori faithful party service will trump that.
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Monday, August 25, 2014

May 2014 M T W T fls Apr Jun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

At the National Coalition Party was on Friday, long sighs of relief when the Social Affairs and Health Paula Risikko announced that she was running for party chairman struggle. In and of itself was drawn sighs probably earlier, since it is quite inconceivable that the party secretary Taru Tujunen would not have known about Risikko plans in advance.
A chairman struggle without women candidates would surely upter not have seen good and Tujunen is one of the country's foremost experts on what looks good in politics. First trip MP Pia Kauma did indeed announce that she sets up on no other woman does, but she openly told it's almost embarrassing for the party.
Risikko is a Member of Parliament since 2003 and a minister since 2007, so her chances of being selected are light years better than Kaumas would have been, but the motive for setting up may be related. In a modern party should women be involved in the struggle for power and they are not the party that is not modern. This know Risikko course, as well as her regardless of the outcome of the chairman election upter makes his party a big favor.
In its press release stressed Risikko with broad strokes during his background as a nurse, and their commitment to society weak. Thus, she made it clear to everyone that she is in a completely different niche than rivals Europe expert Alexander Stubb and Counsel Jan Vapaavuori. She experiences it as a disadvantage that you see the constellation of social lady against cockerel are ahead. It is not just about physical age and Risikko, 53, is the trio's senior upter although Messrs Stubb and Vapaavuori upter not so young anymore.
What political experience upter is concerned Risikko in the same niche as Vapaavuori. upter They have long been politically active home and sat in parliament and government, about as long. Stubbs domestic political experience is modest. Possibly his interest in smaller circles than the EU even more modest. It puts him in a rather unique niche in Finnish politics.
In order to claim the chair usually faithful party service assumed. Juha Sipilä is the exception that proves the rule and the Centre a good record of making an exception to inspire congress delegates upter in Lahti to follow the will of the people upter and prioritize international experience above all other knowledge as a prime minister may require.
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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Political parties receive party support from the municipalities. Gotland Municipality four seasons

Political parties receive party support from the municipalities. Gotland Municipality four seasons catering pays out a total of 5,822,000 crowns to parties and one wonders how many million in the aggregate paid to the various parties in Sweden. The money paid by the mandate and for the country as a whole, it must be a matter of immense sums. There is not much money that stays on Gotland or in one of Sweden's municipalities so that the local party representatives can pursue an active municipal policy. Much of the money goes to the central party apparatus. Is it true that money will fund municipal party officials at the national level?
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Saturday, August 23, 2014

I was over a couple of years juror in the Södertörn District Court, and thus participated in senten

I was over a couple of years juror in the Södertörn District Court, and thus participated in sentencing those who have been accused of various crimes. (A few observations from that time are collected under the category of district court.) Responsible mission, which I shared with thousands of other jurors in the Swedish courts. If the system with the jurors can have opinions (read eg Maria Abrahamsson and Merit Wager) food for thought singapore and I myself am no great supporter of it. But I still leaves the discussion of the lay judges to be or not to be left open for now, and focus instead on how they are appointed. Lay judges are elected by the City Council. It is clear from chapter 4. 7 Procedural Code. Thus, it is the municipal politicians who decide who should be jurors. In the same section states. In the selection of jurors shall be pursued to mention manna corps get a general composition with regard to age, gender, ethnicity and occupation. food for thought singapore If there are several alternative ways to achieve a balanced composition, they should be selected persons who have not previously served as jurors or who served the shortest time. Confidence to appoint jurors have local politicians across the country managed food for thought singapore very badly, at least in terms of age distribution. About this I was informed in a letter that tumbled down the other day. The letter was from the Courts food for thought singapore Administration Director General Barbro Thorblad, and she told me that SNCA is received by the Government to ensure that the skewed age distribution corrected.
The letter from Barbro. food for thought singapore Today, only 16 percent of jurors who are under 45 years. The Södertörn District Court, to which I belonged, is the oldest Juror 83 years old and the average age is 58 percentage under 45 is 23 percent (better than the average, that is) and the proportion of people over 65 is 48 per cent (against 46 per cent nationally). Political parties have their act together! The whole point of lay judges is that they should represent a cross-section of the population. Giving mentioned the steward as thanks for long and faithful service party is abusing the trust appointment. The parties food for thought singapore must begin to search for candidates outside the member registers - otherwise, we must find a better way to nominate jurors.
One can also imagine that abolishing the whole system of lay judges. I understand the purpose but question something if it is even close to being met. When tex. Brynolf Wendt (spell he so?) Becomes juror becomes lekmannaperspektivet bit humorous. You know yourself that the purpose of the Corps was something wrong because of the age distribution, but perhaps the problem lies in the phenomenon as such? 01:20
Actually not filling jurors so big feature in the courts, in my view, it is in most cases necessary. A middle way would be to decrease the number of types of cases where it has been mentioned, it can eg play a role in custody cases and in major criminal cases where there is good with four pairs of eyes and ears to discover more pieces of the puzzle. However, it has some practical advantages to having older people as jurors, food for thought singapore it is easier to get hold of jurors at short notice, for example, at youth cases and in cases with custody, which has a short time to hold a hearing. Young people are more busy with work and it's harder to keep the head continued negotiations and deliberations. The disadvantages mentioned in terms of age composition has therefore also benefit in other ways. 10:30
Jeppe - I totally agree with you about your reflections (including if Brynolf Wendt). But this blog post was written on the basis that the system is left and what we can do to improve it. Magnus - I agree that the lay fills a limited function. While I realize that there is a practical / economic point; abolishes man lay judges are options that allow goals decided by a judge, which I doubt, or to have more judges in each case, which would increase the cost of justice very much. That there are practical benefits to older jurors, I also believe you are right. (I myself am an example of a juror who is under 45 but who completed my mission, both because I thought it was difficult to combine with the job.) But accept it on the elaboration they accept also mentioned the steward corps is not representative of the population and thus does not meet the objective as is the whole basis of the system's existence, ie adding "medium-Svensson's common sense" to the courts. 11:06
Anonymous - I think most people think mentioned the steward is useful and instructive to most. Just understanding how the court process works is one of the "lessons" I appreciate the most. And, of course, to have the responsibility to actually participate in the judging of people on trial. For the assignment backs hear that some trials may be very tedious - you realize why jurors nodding food for thought singapore now and then. I also had enough bad luck and ended up on a device with an inexperienced judge who got pretty "easy" cases, vilk

Friday, August 22, 2014

Best of StoryFox Looks like a normal scarf ... wait until you see what it actually is. REVOLUTIONAR

Want to enjoy a little more particular place your brunch, lunch or your dinner your times? Then, these restaurants are just right. These 10 restaurants are not to be found on every corner.
Dinner in the sky - Did you ever want to rent a restaurant that hangs 50 meters above the ground? Now that's even possible! Man, this fully equipped restaurant for rent and can relocate the desired destination. Definitely an "uplifting" feeling ...
Underwater Restaurant at the Red Sea - Eating you like the sea? How about then times with LOWER the sea? This restaurant is located 6 meters below sea level and offers a stunning backdrop.
Best of StoryFox Looks like a normal scarf ... wait until you see what it actually is. REVOLUTIONARY! 912 food to go Nobody figured this would happen right here. But all were thrilled ... This little boy with Down syndrome has animal fear. What the dog does then is staggering. In the airport, he simply sat down at the piano. What happens next goes under the skin. This woman wanted to withdraw money only ... and never expected that to happen. A father filmed his daughter for 14 years every week. The result is just beautiful! At first you think the child is just annoyed, 912 food to go but then ... Get yourself handkerchiefs ready! 22 optical illusions 912 food to go that will blow you. No. 4 still makes me ready.

Only very late on a Friday afternoon it was decided that I should remain stationary. Hello there? F

I never was seriously ill. Am 32 years quietschfidel getingelt through life. Eventually this had to happen well. I had to go to hospital! Wow! The ridicule of my friends I painted me out already. Hardly feeds which he is instructed vegan. Slaughter! Well you had times "normal" feeds you. But that was not even my biggest fear. Eating in the hospital! Is this really vegan? Do I need to because every Möhrchenbrei fight not to suffer the cruel death by starvation? Or is my "normal eating" just removed everything and remains my ration. I had two nightmare. Number one was that I now had to hope for a potato side dish. Number two was an impeccably plate with a lettuce leaf in the center. catering by design So much in advance: This nightmare was actually reality. catering by design But first things first. Day 1 - preparations against starvation
Only very late on a Friday afternoon it was decided that I should remain stationary. Hello there? Friday? Weekend? catering by design But what can you do if one's eyesight is still dear to my heart? Since I did not want to play the hero. Since I live only a few minutes away from the hospital I was able to catch one hour clearance anticipated by charming negotiation. So quickly grab home and pocket. Clothes, books, and most importantly eat some technical backup catering by design plans in the form of almond milk, oatmeal, mixed nuts, bananas and Pringles (for nerves). On the way back yet quickly past the french forge my confidence and with a large serving catering by design of fried potato catering by design strips on the lap with the tram back. Almost like a hamster catering by design winter fat for the next hard day anfuttern. Recording - vegan please
Back at the hospital, I was admitted into the system and allowed to express my diet style. Unfortunately, it has since been told that it will take until I in the "system" is activated. Whether there is or vegan diet is improvised could not tell me first. Is probably not often. The dinner was in the hospital, catering by design of course, as you would expect a classic. Brown bread, sausage and cheese. Ungh! Nor properly fed up of my last supper I was still relaxed. The resting heart rate of 46 predicted it - I stay cool.
It is strange to be woken up in a strange room of a strange albeit awfully nice woman. It comes with me not every day that someone asked about my last bowel movement. At least this is very rarely the case. If anything happens something among men with not less flowery words. But then not on request but from ostentation. Sugar Sweet Breakfast
The breakfast was unfortunately compiled yet for me. A note on the tray betrayed it: I got the food by a Mr. S. As the day before, there were brown bread, rolls, cheese, sausage, butter and coffee cream. catering by design After a short search (how cool are please Internet and smartphones) whether the jam gelatin or the like contains. Everything harmless. So there was certainly plenty of rye bread with sweetened strawberry jam. Plus one brought catering by design banana. I felt like I was on a raft in the middle of the sea with a limited supply of food. Should I go to my reserves now? Order Vegan supply
In the morning catering by design came a really a very nice woman with clipboard and laptop with me to the room, so did not look for care or medicine. She wanted to take my food order. "You catering by design take the vegetarian menu?" Was her question. "No," logically my answer. "I'd like a vegan menu". Even if they could order what they looked long into the laptop and considered significantly. To my surprise I was able to quit my menu choice very detailed. catering by design We started with breakfast. Brown bread now more whole grain bread. catering by design Unfortunately, there was no jam up on the vegan spreads. But she wanted to ask. For this I should get piece of fruit made me happy. My life raft reserves should therefore receive supplies. Lunch was a disaster. The only vegetarian dish was with a cream sauce. So I had to use a salad plate. Nutritional practically zero. Since I consume but raise the fork and cut more calories than I eat. There for dinner for me 2 whole wheat slices with cherry jam so it does not get boring.
Goulash! With potatoes and cauliflower in cream sauce. The nightmare catering by design that I hope for potatoes and they must pick out was underway. I was able to get all four potatoes. Some cauliflower pieces lying on the edge without cream sauce assured me a little variety. Objectively catering by design speaking a disaster. Subjectively seen. The mandatory yogurt containing Na

Thursday, August 21, 2014

For a year the district of Ludwigsburg, Lust Parchim operates the formation card that has billing s

For a year the district of Ludwigsburg, Lust Parchim operates the formation card that has billing services from the education and participation package for children from disadvantaged families significantly simplified.
In the first half year 2014 3072 applications for the benefits of the education and participation packet have been received. For comparison, in 2013 there were only 3809 requests a total of 7,500 beneficiaries. The simplified method of forming map facilitates the processing and so does the number of applications the publican and beneficiaries rise.
Not all providers the publican are not involved in the region. The registration and settlement as a provider is very simple. Under, potential suppliers can register and enter your first offer. Following approval from the county you can then settle the amounts to be billed for the children the publican concerned uncomplicated platform.
"The education account the publican with education card in Ludwigslust-Parchim was our first project in the area BUT and we are proud that the system has so successfully developed and of the service providers as well as by the children the publican is well accepted." Said Marc Panzer, project manager at the Syrcon GmbH.
Ann-Christin Haselbach is a trainee in the first year of training at ARKM online publishing in Gummersbach. As a "maid of all work" they support the SME News and collects first experiences for their training occupation for "media clerk Digital and Print".
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

USA 2008 R: Ron Howard New reviews A Most Wanted Man by Stephan Langer Wrong Cops From Martin Gobbi

Milan - scene of another film that deals with the problems and anxieties of urbanites in a globalized world. Silvio Soldini portrays What I want more representative of a generation between thirty and forty, which are characterized by their indecision and inconsistency. He uses cliches, which one is already weary. The stereotypes of the fine city girl from the North of Italy and the immigrant worker from the South - played by Anna (Alba Rohrwacher) and Domenico (Pierfrancesco Favino) - meet by chance and begin an affair. The stranger is represented as the Exciting, Alluring, the familiar as the Boring. So far, so familiar.
On closer inspection, one realizes that it is less Soldinis film whose one is tired, but rather the attitude that speaks of his characters. Soon you tolerate the persistence Anna and Domenico's in their cowardice by which they want to keep their options open, barely. The director staged this very skillfully, by portraying the environment Anna and Domenico as such a restrictive and oppressive that you immediately aufbrächte understanding of the characters wanted to break out of it. The disruption by the social realities - symbolized by the strenuous club quarters wall street commute between suburbs and center club quarters wall street - is understandable, because through all the spaces in which what I want to play more, an oppressive feeling of tightness club quarters wall street pulls. Apart from the urban confines of living on the periphery is the social narrowness, which is characterized, as in days and clouds of financial worries and exploitative labor, and the familiar tightness that manifests itself, as Anna's family comes together for lunch with her mother and close urged sitting at the dining table. The barred iron door to the courtyard club quarters wall street of the apartment building, the (Giuseppe Battiston) falls and reverberates in a scene behind Anna and her partner Alessio into the castle, reminiscent not without reason in a prison. It is expected audience formally as a strong kick up the figures - done but no such.
Silvio Soldini staged his characters as searching, without stopping - and without attitude. So he lets Anna always club quarters wall street act meinungslos when accompanied Alessio in its activities. Both Domenico and Anna are shown as fickle, despite the obviously felt passion for each other that the audience but never fully reveals itself. Alessio is shown opposite: he seems to cope with his life, because he is set up comfortably in it. Even if one does not answer him, that he is so ignorant as to allow his busy coziness believe. He proves in his actions as the most consistent and most dedicated club quarters wall street figure, while Anna and Domenico are represented as procrastinators, who can not decide between possible life plans and want to take advantage on all sides, what does not work. For example, the tiring frequent sex scenes between Anna and Domenico remain supercooled, the hotel room is at least as oppressive as the small suburban homes. The fast sex ends in affected silent atmosphere, so that forces itself upon the question club quarters wall street of what exactly the parties can be so addicted to it.
At least initially, it seems that Silvio Soldini watch the figures value-free and wants the judgment on them up to the spectator. But in the ordeal to which he provides us with the incessant production of their procrastination and its inconsistency club quarters wall street - to let tilt ever quite the unsympathetic without the figures, of course, is already club quarters wall street a judgmental moment because precisely by the director reveals the protagonist Anna and Domenico yes as ignorant and cowardly characters. So you leave the film after an open end with nachklingendem club quarters wall street discomfort. If it was Soldinis intention to cause this discomfort before a life of indecision, so he succeeds admirably. Other reasons why What I want to see more should, in any event, are not recognizable. 25.11.2010 Movie review by Kristina Detemple page 1 1 0
Giovanni Venosta Actor
USA 2008 R: Ron Howard New reviews A Most Wanted Man by Stephan Langer Wrong Cops From Martin Gobbin Better than nothing Von Stephan Langer Phoenix From Till Kadritzke Mr. May and the whisper of eternity by Josef Lommerange Night Moves
New in cinemas Jimmy's club quarters wall street Hall show movies men & women their breasts Night Moves Hectors journey or the pursuit of happiness free-God forbid! Planet of the Apes - Revolution Jersey Boys The beloved sisters Much Ado About Nothing Coming soon Do not tell me who you are! Better than nothing, club quarters wall street the long bright days Can a Song Save Your Life? Diplomacy Wolf Children club quarters wall street The Texas Chain Saw Massacre Amma & Appa Mr. May and the whisper of Ewigkei

Caravan Salon 2014: InterCaravaning makes you want to leave #wirtschaft #new

"The education of young people we perceive as social duty. Our trainees can look forward to excellent career prospects, because taquiza we train in general for their own needs. Who is involved in its formation taquiza and related services shows can make great hopes for a permanent position, "says Silke Kadler, Head of Human Ressouces.
Particular emphasis is placed on the job training organization in optimal conditions: Thus, the trainees are from the beginning in the work tasks and processes with the employee involved and play interesting and responsible tasks.
In addition, taquiza the trainees will benefit from numerous special services. taquiza These include, in addition to complimentary fresh fruit and beverages for everyday drinking, a breakfast service, inexpensive lunch in the company's Bistro and monthly team bonuses for good performance. To maintain the motivation of trainees for academic achievement erect, Tyre24Group rewards good performance at school with lucrative bonuses for extra notes.
Ann-Christin Haselbach is a trainee in the first year of training at ARKM online publishing in Gummersbach. As a "maid of all work" they support the SME News and collects first experiences for their training occupation for "media clerk Digital and Print".
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Monday, August 18, 2014

I am aware that my ability as a draftsman stümperische delish this optical nightmare and may not re

It's cruel, what a so everything spoils the appetite. It will not happen of midday in the canteen, the canteen to Massenabspeisung. You actually succeed, choose a tasty dish. You sit on a blank space on a kind of bar stool at a high table. And then the !!!! So what I do not want to see, let alone at lunch!
As a Tussie sets with her back in your direction at the next table. She has a buttocks, for which they would already need almost two stools. But that's not all. Your Lowrider Jeans has flagged to half ass! And that just folded obese highlands, since the relentless swells up, is crowned in the middle of such a clockwork with a tiny and ridiculously colorful fabric triangle. And then you should taste the sight of these thong-adorned middle crack the food yet!
I am aware that my ability as a draftsman stümperische delish this optical nightmare and may not reflect approximate. But I wonder why people who have a seat in shape and size of a wrecking ball, does not pack selbiges charming camouflage or at least better, but instead also emphasize visually in such a way. I have nothing against a well-formed buttocks in an appetizing packaging. But a hippo ass in thong just does not look sexy.
Jimbo March 2, 2011 at 02:46 Permalink
But I am sure that no one has forced you to constantly stare and then, rather than omit it here it would have been far more fair, this "colleague" delish to give a subtle hint, something in the form like "Hey ... Riesena.! delish Does it have to be that you all messing up your appetite here! " delish
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Sunday, August 17, 2014

The water in the quarry is wonderfully clear! It smells kinda

Woman ... uh ... Mom Archive Quick on the lake
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and a little swim. The Pfarrwiesensee in Gimbsheim is located just a 20 minute drive from the Green Villa and so I grab him with the heading "patriotism". It is at this lake for a quarry, and is diligent in the gearbeit. Very large equipment promote gravel european bartender school from the depths forth, but these tools are well defined and do not interfere with the bathing. Around the lake is fine sand, which give a true holiday feeling (and stubbornly stuck between the toes, so that even at home some of it has). In the evening the sand "combed", ie a tractor with a large rake brings back off the nastiest muck out (unfortunately tilting slide by and magnificent sand castles are looped), this service you pay with the 3, - parking fee. Bearable, I guess. On sunny, hot days, many people throng the lake and therefore we do not drive there. First, there are only freshly planted trees that give a very meager shade, on the other hand I want to swim, and that's difficult when air mattresses and boats cruising. Also, I am not so much on alcohol geschwängerte beach parties that are unanhängig celebrated extensively by time of day and age of revelers. (#allebekloppt) We are one meets in the evening on the lake. Then, when the kiosk closed and you must therefore pay no more parking fee :) Or in moderate weather, when it rains or is about to. Then is hardly a bather on the lake and the holiday feeling is immeasurable.
The water in the quarry is wonderfully clear! It smells kinda "fresh" and when I swallow it by mistake, it is not me shudder. I like the size and the gentle waves, swimming pools restrict me and the chlorine in the water burns my eyes, and the bronchi.
It is very cold! In the middle of the lake it goes down deep, I do not know how deep, but eight, nine meters determined, rather more. And therefore the water temperature varies european bartender school considerably. There are very cold currents and only the top thirty centimeters in the water are "warm". european bartender school I like the swim much because I know that when the body is in "warm" water, I'm completely straight, then tunes the body voltage.
I can not scratch. When I try it, syringe and I pruste wild and dramatic to me and do not come from the spot. But I can very fast and persistent chest

Saturday, August 16, 2014

More items Horror Missae - Liturgical relativism abused young Catholics catering trailers Novus Mis

[Update] eat right and drink in the mess - desanctification Made in Germany>
Start Catholic by e-mail, the last 99 Prayers Prayer for our Bishop General Prayer - communis catering trailers oratio Prayer for the Conversion of Germany crossroads for the unborn Daily examination of conscience prayer intentions of the Holy Father's prayer for the Holy Father
(Würzburg) The Catholic liturgist Guido Fuchs, since 2003 associate professor of liturgy at the University of Würzburg, advocates that in "worship" proper meals are integrated. The "liturgy specialist" is seriously the opinion: catering trailers "That would more correspond to the action of Jesus" as the online magazine quoted him insight of the University of Würzburg. The crucial, so Fuchs, catering trailers was the "common eating and drinking". Jesus had always eaten with other people and drunk. "It was a form of his proclamation of the kingdom of God to the people."
For this reason the Church should "offer meals more often" the worshipers, because that is the "everyday life in the realm of the sacred" brought in, Fox is at least convinced. The possibility of trivialization of the sacred he does not take into consideration. Saturated Meanwhile, he criticized the Catholic Church, catering trailers because, according to their rules "the celebration of the Holy Mass inserted in any way in the context of a common meal or brought into relationship with such a meal" may be. Liturgists Fox praises Protestant "breakfast catering trailers services"
For the liturgists praised Protestant communities, which are for example "breakfast services" are where the people among themselves "about faith this week" come to be "instead of just dumb listeners a sermon."
Prompt lay liturgists Fuchs equal a book on the topic before with the title "Ma (h) l different", which is entirely catering trailers devoted to food and drink "in worship and church". Eßangebote were in Protestant and Free Church area "more often" found, but forbidden in the Catholic Church. Here we need a "rethinking" because the Catholic attitude is ultimately incomprehensible. Finally it go at the Eucharist yes to the "memory" of Jesus' last supper in the circle of the disciples. The Protestants came by the term sacrament much more clearly than among Catholics, where "long catering trailers period Sacrifice of the Mass, the speech" was. In addition, among the Catholics and the Goblet will not enough, what the Mahlcharakter restricts even more. What students learn and seminarians at Theological Faculty Würzburg?
[Update] Fox has been serving 25 years, the journal Liturgy concrete. Professor of Liturgy at the University of Würzburg is Stuflesser Martin, who was ordained a priest by the bishop of Mainz, Cardinal Karl Lehmann on 27 June 2009. On the website of the Department of Science Liturgy states under "services" that are held weekly in the Cathedral: "Invitation sent to all church services listed below, which are celebrated under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Martin Stuflesser". Originally it was called by mistake in the article, Stuflesser was a layman.
Nevertheless, the question remains: What students learn theology and priesthood candidates in view of the statements of Guido Fuchs at the Institute for Liturgical Studies of the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Würzburg?
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Grass but they have unfortunately read: "that catering trailers in" worship "proper meals are integrated". So that's on the way handshakes, "Host and wine as a starter" then stop for a moment and then on to the buffet, on the people's altar perhaps that in "services"

What you drink in a pub? Often you can buy very good wine - but that they like to renounce when is

The freelance writer and journalist, is 55 years old and lives in Jura, just a few meters from the Swiss-French border. He writes for "Transhelvetica", gascade "Cigar" and the "Basler gascade Zeitung". Recently, his book "Cervelat gascade and boiled beef" (AT-Verlag, gascade about 50 Fr.) appeared in the fourth edition - it is 100 original Local in Switzerland described and discussed. (Boe) article on The World's Best Restaurants The top 10 restaurants in Zurich gascade parts and comment
Typo / spelling punctuation grammar Objectively Technically Email * valid email address is missing
What makes a typical Swiss pub? You should be extended room in which guests feel at home, where they drink, eat, discuss and meet. That may seem a little antiquated in the age of Facebook - in fact, the direct gascade communication but still the most honest.
As it stands in this country to this pickling gascade culture? Many hosts have come to the age and thinking about quitting. Only, who takes over the pub? Always new regulations make life difficult for the hosts. Since the mother has for decades upgraded to a wooden table vegetables, now must be done in chrome steel. This is sometimes financially gascade a run on thin ice.
What do you suggest? Relax the rules. And patrons should not only support chefs financially, but also invest in young talent. And the owner could allow better chances by lower local rents.
Playing the lower blood alcohol limits in traffic and the banishment of smoking from public places still a role? Yes. Of course, nobody wants to be eingeräuchert while eating, but there are numerous places where simply including smoke signals. Soon they will ban us the alcohol.
Many places that you think are furnished in wood. Arises in the concrete complex no mood? There are modern bars, which I can recommend as a pub. But a pub is distinctive only by their guests and stories. Ideally, it says more about a village as a memorial. You must be grown from its history, you can not conceive.
Those chips Körbli and the "Blick" Büezer read it? This pickling type dies out. There are still quite a few places, gascade go to the craftsmen for mid-morning snack. Then right: with meatballs and Knackerli, sandwiches, gascade a liter of cola nut and summit. Since per capita remain loose 20 francs are.
What you drink in a pub? Often you can buy very good wine - but that they like to renounce when is homemade in a Bauernbeiz of cider or beer. Or the open wine comes from the region.
How important is the personality of the host? I'm not a second time in a restaurant where the host is unappealing or chumming. But you have to talk about the guests gascade in this context sometimes.
Why? Today, when run on each transmitter cooking shows, many viewers consider experts. And her superficial expert knowledge they want to live - Pardon, which is the host for fast times a disgrace.
You know in every village the best places to eat, the hosts their first names and the enticing specialties. How did you get all these addresses? First, it has to do with my childhood. My parents went with me every Sunday at noon to eat out, as is customary in France or Italy. gascade For me it was an abomination because on TV "Bonanza" ran. But, we had a large radius. On top of that my aunts and one of my grandmothers gascade were farmers - where there was a simple, traditional cuisine. The relatives of my father but, a dentist, there were snails, crayfish and Côte du boeuf. So I learned early on the whole range know. Finally, I must mention my military time. I came into all corners of Switzerland and noticed me the most beautiful spots. Today there are about 900 places that I know and observe.
What do you do when you are for the first time in the village? I have developed a feel for good pickling. But I do not even study the map before the door. I enter and white after 30 seconds, gascade if I'm correct.
Always apply your recommendations gascade for a broad population? People have already read what I write. Local Diverse described are not a majority. As many are probably wondering what they have lost there - and I warn in the texts winking warning that there may be long waiting times or the host is an original.
How does one work week like for you? For a book like "Cervelat and boiled beef" or "Butt must and oxtail" I reel from about 6000 km, visit also four times daily pickling. For writing, I pull myself back in the Jura, where I live, there I chop wood or sometimes only upload Great

Friday, August 15, 2014

Good day ladies and gentlemen, I am 15 years old and have been doing December / January 2013/2014 r

Good day ladies and gentlemen, I am 15 years old and have been doing December / January 2013/2014 regularly weight training! I am now writing times, like a normal training day (which is Wednesday, Friday, Sunday) ungefhr looks at me: -Aufwrmen. Jogging either on the spot or in the garden several rounds OR ,, normal "cycling (approximately 15 minutes one of two) - 1x as many situps as I create, then Crazy Ivans with 5 Kg namely STZE 3/15 Wh -Continue it comes to the breast: 15 Kg, Butterflys 3 Just sit down, 15 reps . Thereafter Bankdrcken lying on the floor, 4kg on each side, also Stz 3/15 Wh. -now is Lat pulldowns, before the head to the chin, then Lat pulldowns, otherwise sit around behind your head, 3 Stz / 15 Wh, both with 20 Kg -Legs., sitting down on a wooden box. leg extensions, 3 Stz / 15 Wh, now hamstrings while standing with one foot here also Stz 3/15 Wh, both with 10 Kg -Bizeps... Straighten Rcken and fix an arm with the elbow on the thigh and then "Curls" go with 4kg KH re Stz 3/15 Wh -Unterarme:.. Creating wrist at the knee and then the hand with dumbbell (3 kg) up and down move. So now wre a normal training for me to end. I think that the TP is pretty verbesserungswrdig, but wanted to ask what you did for tips before I revise the first also. By the way: I get the bicep curls back pain, I think: The next morning pain, some movements! (From the computer mixology maybe (?) But I'm just sitting in front of it and have a pillow under his back) The weights I lift as good as always from the squat !! Now to me, I am as I said 15 years old, a "asparagus" so slim and I can actually eat as much as I wish-'m not thick. I bring 55 kilos on the scales (size not known, comes soon after). I racking my brain how to manage that with the muscle building mixology diet: I know not when I eat what ('ve searched frequently on the Internet but the pages explain the for adults), but have begun for several months oatmeal / Fleks and bananas (shakes) to take me. I eat for a short time, much less chocolate / Ses than in the past and I speak a little addiction to banana shakes, although but also s are only due to the fructose. I'll also look at where again the terms "carbs" etc. explains all sides. Can someone please PLEASE tell me how I someone my diet so adjusting so that I gain, but will of course not fat? So I read that you need a surplus to build muscle 300kcal (?) Should mixology I first calculate the average of my "daily bread" or just food? And if so, is there a good program or an app for your mobile phone or computer? I've read already! I thank you in advance for your answers and please do not scold if I made any mistake, I'm finally (still) new! Many size of Panda!
Hey Panda, mixology welcome to the forum! Here complains about no fault and no one takes you questions bel, to the Forum's mixology partly because. Your training plan is already mixology even a beginning. If I were you dignity still do things differently. Basically: As a beginner your age, a so-called Ganzkrper plan with you 3 times a week (ideally always in between with a day off) all the muscles of your Krpers train is recommended. From what you write, I schliee mixology times, you train at home and have there as a power station at which you are doing lat pulldowns and Butterflies? My recommendation: Read over again the here and by then, if you're not fr can inspire a training plan that consists of exercises where you use only your own body weight berlege (so-called Bodyweight Exercises.). In my view, so you'll get better results than with what you are doing now. Just have a look and tell me what you hltst it. For diet: Many of your age are raring mixology to calculate that they need to eat exactly 2746 kcal to build optimally and to track their diet very meticulous. I think that for a number of reasons, for nonsense. It is true that you need a Kalorienberschuss to build muscle. To achieve that, you have a 15-jhriger "asparagus" eat a lot and a little bit more than that and the right things. Every day much vegetables and some fruit. Carbohydrates from brown rice, whole grains, oatmeal, potatoes, pasta. Lots of egg whites from lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese and lentils, beans, tofu. Fats from various animal and vegetable sources. Junk food can you as an exception Indulge times, but should not belong to DAILY diet. Einzuschr sugar consumption