Well, not justice by members of a sewing circle under the guidance of someone more or less often scribe chairman. Over several months, we have been able to read Mary Abraham's leadership dekorasi stick in SvD just on the court.
As you noticed Appeals Court judges often contrary to the district court. The explanation is that the district court judge at random both right and wrong. It just happens dekorasi to be so! Is not it marvelous to be able to call himself a juror, but it must be unpleasant to get rejected time and time again and know for themselves that they punished the innocent on a conveyor belt.
The worst, however, for the people the district court judge. The judgment is a public document, and many are the innocent as the months and years been pilloried in the media because of the sewing circle until they talked.
This entry was posted on Monday, November 10th, 2008 at 6:10 pm and is filed under General, dekorasi Domestic Politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Post navigation Previous Post Next Post
They can hardly law at all. If criminal, I can not, but in ordinary civil law take the opinions dekorasi from experts. (Eg construction & environment) without checking whether they are biased in that case. Then follow the on line. It can be as crazy as anything, dekorasi which I have just seen evidence.
This topic has got me banned dekorasi on Flashback / manna mentioned thread, and then I have still been meeting personally with rows of inbalndade in the discussed case. But this thread contains everything from the hacked email boxes to coffee room lists of interest to different targets for jurors, and for alldel part Olle Liljegren, Pirate dekorasi Bay and Trond Sefastsson.
Excuse my curiosity dekorasi (or you term it might curiosity) but I still have to ask something. Feeding you up to participate in a lot of threads in various different forums? I suppose so, for how else can you have time for this?
So. Are you the Mickey turbot artist. . ... . . . . ... . . . . .
Carl Norberg dekorasi - do not know why Alexander joined this joking - he is wiser than all of us here. Good with kids of that age, our youngest is 43 years old and it's a bygone era - just memories.
The district court is - as everyone knows - a first section that we encountered when someone committed a crime. The coarser the crimes were handled by the Court of Appeal directly with the possibility that these judgments dekorasi is finally decided - on appeal - the Supreme Court. dekorasi (As now) there are a plethora of minor offenses dekorasi and they can be safely handled by the district court. The district court is required there is no doubt!
Did steward system in our district courts is a relic from the days when they aspired to the accused should be tried by people who knew and lived in the same environment, felt the community surrounding the crime and perhaps even have a personal knowledge of witnesses and evidence. This good proximity thought disappeared more and more with the centralization of the courts dekorasi and the politicization dekorasi of the appointments mentioned manna. dekorasi Instead of the wise and experienced citizen from the local environment became Juror a superannuated politician or one that won the contract for long and faithful party service after being found incompetent to heavy municipal duties. Centralisation also meant that proximity tank completely disappeared. An old, good principle; that you would be judged by your peers and neighbors have schabblats away and the system really needs to be reformed!
Helena Palena writes:
They'm also sleeping in the district court. Tougher bid in the Court of Appeal, I understand. For there it's just a bunch of lawyers who judge. That is why there can be such a difference in judgments. But do they sleep in the parliament also in between - but they have the salary anyway ...
Helena Palena - go in and Googling the "District Court" so you know a little bit what they actually do and handles really well too. Where they sleep not more than we do any other.:-) Here during my time had myclket contact with district courts and they fulfill an important function in our society, in addition to that they also judge people who have committed crimes. That there are "we ordinary" included in their staff composition has its checkered and striped reasons, which I can not now go into more detail.
For about 2 months ago, a close friend of my girlfriend dekorasi and me - Sentenced in District Court to prison for 4.5 years for a crime he never committed - or that I'm personally not even in my wildest dreams could imagine that he would have the capacity to perform - and / or find some gain / pleasure in doing.
Approximately five weeks later, it became a completely acquitted in the Court of Appeal = all members of the Court of Appeal came to the conclusion - that beyond a reasonable dekorasi doubt was established - that the accused had been innocently convicted in the District Court to 4.5 years in prison - for a crime he had never committed - thankfully:!:
The Courts of Appeal